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2 answers

Can non-linearly separable data always be made linearly separable?

A data set that is linearly separable is a precondition for algorithms like the perceptron to converge. It's well-known that we can project low-dimensional data to a higher dimension using kernel ...
dst2's user avatar
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Why the weight vector is a linear combination of the inputs and the outputs in the Perceptron

I was studying Support Vector Machines and I've got stuck with this relation regarding the weight vector of the hyperplane. $w=\sum\limits_{i\in I}^{} y_i x_i$ For reference, I'm studying from the ...
TonyRomero's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why perceptron is linear classifier?

It is said that perceptron is linear classifier, but it has a non-linear activation function f = 1 if wx - b >= 0 and f = 0 otherwise If i will use some non-linear function on linear combination of ...
mike's user avatar
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Are B&W images of digits linear seperable

Given an image, expressed in the vector $\vec{v} = (v_1, \dots, v_n)\in \{0,1\}^n$ The vector $\vec{v}$ can represent images of the numbers 0 to 9. How do I know if this is linear seperable? Given ...
Rich_Rich's user avatar
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Is the decision boundary of voted/average perceptron linear like basic perceptron?

Is the decision boundary of voted/average perceptron linear like basic perceptron? How can you justify that? It's related to solve binary classification problems in Machine Learning context.
alaki alakian's user avatar