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ADALINE simple implementation with 2 features bug

I am reading Machine Learning with PyTorch and Ski-kit learn book by Sebastian Raschka While plotting the decision boundary (a line in this case, since the number of features considered = 2) I can't ...
tripma's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the criteria for defining a ML model as a linear model

I am confused about the criteria which determines whether a model is linear or not. As far as I understand, the following statements are equivalent : A model is linear Output class label is a linear ...
TarS's user avatar
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Different results for Logistic Regression (wrong) and Perceptron (correct)

To help me with some understanding, I'm trying to learn the Logical AND and Logical OR using Linear Regression trained over the following data: ...
Christian's user avatar
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No need for bias term if data is standardised? Linear classification models

For linear classification models, e.g. perceptron, bias term allows to move separating hyperplane away from origin. If data is scattered around the zero does that mean that we don't need bias term?
Egor Epishin's user avatar
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Using Adaptive Linear Neurons (Adalines) and Perceptrons for 0-1 class problems

I am wondering how to adjust the Adaline algorithm to classify the classes 0 and 1 instead of -1 and 1. I found a section in Neural Networks and Statistical Learning by Ke-Lin Du, M. N. S. Swamy ...
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