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Different results for Logistic Regression (wrong) and Perceptron (correct)

To help me with some understanding, I'm trying to learn the Logical AND and Logical OR using Linear Regression trained over the following data: ...
Christian's user avatar
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Whats the different between Logistic regression and perceptron?

In a binary classification problem, if both logistic regression and a single preceptron uses Sigmoid function, what's the difference in classification results, since they will have the same decision ...
denali's user avatar
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Use a multilevel logistic regression and cross validation

I want to use a multilevel logistic regression for a double purpose, estimating the value of coefficients to explain a phenomenon. At the same time, I want to split the data through cross-validation ...
Andres Martinez's user avatar
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Am I fundamentally misunderstanding the net input dot product w*x

Most books have the notation of a weight vector w and input matrix x: $$ w = \begin{bmatrix} w_1\\...\\ w_D \end{bmatrix}, x = \begin{bmatrix} x_{11}&...&x_{1D}\\ ...&...&...\\ x_{N1}&...
Five9's user avatar
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What Is the Loss (Objective) Function for Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)?

As many algorithms can be viewed as optimization problems through the Loss function, I was wondering if such a loss function existed for LDA (linear classification). And if yes, what would it be ? I ...
curious's user avatar
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How does regularized logistic regression regularize perceptron hypothesis set in binary classifcation task?

I'm a newbie to Machine Learning and I'm not very good at math. I have read Learning From Data - A Short Course and met this Exercise 4.6 on page 133: We have seen both the hard-order constraint ...
ntvy95's user avatar
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What's the difference between logistic regression and perceptron?

I'm going through Andrew Ng's lecture notes on Machine Learning. The notes introduce us to logistic regression and then to perceptron. While describing Perceptron, the notes say that we just change ...
GrowinMan's user avatar
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From the Perceptron rule to Gradient Descent: How are Perceptrons with a sigmoid activation function different from Logistic Regression?

Essentially, my question is that in multilayer Perceptrons, perceptrons are used with a sigmoid activation function. So that in the update rule $\hat{y}$ is calculated as $$\hat{y} = \frac{1}{1+\exp(...
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Formula for decision boundary of a classifier (in order to visualize it)

I'm confused on how to plot decision boundary for classifiers. For example, i'm working with perceptron. So, the formula for decision boundary(if I understand this correctly) is ...
user2773013's user avatar