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Why is the threshold term incorporated into the weight vector in linear classifiers?

In the context of linear classifiers, such as the perceptron or logistic regression, I understand that the decision boundary is defined by a linear combination of input features and weights, plus a ...
Narges Ghanbari's user avatar
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Find weights and bias of Discrete Perceptron

I am studying for an exam and came across this question which I am unable to solve. How do I find the corresponding weights and biases. I understand that it is a perceptron so the activation function ...
quantrader23's user avatar
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Trouble understanding why adaline works

Recently came across adaline (an improvement on perceptron) but I am having trouble understanding why adaline works. Lets take an example of 2D binary classification task. Assume line 'l' is a linear ...
Anjusha C's user avatar
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Confusion regarding the criteria for defining a ML model as a linear model

I am confused about the criteria which determines whether a model is linear or not. As far as I understand, the following statements are equivalent : A model is linear Output class label is a linear ...
TarS's user avatar
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Is it possible to predict non-classifiable label using single layer perceptron and sigmoid function? (without using any perceptron library)

Imagine predicting BMI index like 1,2,3,4,5 and having weight and height as input. I know it can be easily done with other method. Also I have to use sigmoid function and I am really new to this. I ...
Lu Phone Maw's user avatar
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Does it matter which variable I assign 1 or -1 in a perceptron machine learning algorithm

I am using perceptron machine learning to solve the binary classification problem A vs B. For this I have to assign the actual values of A and B to either 1 or -1 to be able to use perceptron. Does it ...
user100000's user avatar
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Is bias nothing but perceptron threshold value?

I was revisiting neural network basics from this post. The perceptron follows below equation: $$\begin{align} y & = 1 & \text{if } \sum_{i=1}^n w_i\times x_i \geq \theta \\ & = 0 & \...
RajS's user avatar
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What's the unified definition of Tikhonov regularization

I met with "Tikhonov regularization" in two textbooks. The first is "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop. In page 267 of his book, the regularized ...
zzzhhh's user avatar
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What are the mathematical differences between the Perceptron and the MP-Neuron?

I try to understand the differences between the MP Neuron and the Perceptron. Is my understanding right that the MP Neuron mathematically only differences in the activation function. I.e. the MP ...
yemy's user avatar
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Understanding Weight Updates in a Perceptron

I am learning about perceptrons and how they work. I read that each weight $w_j$ is updated based on the equation: $\begin{equation} w_j:=w_j+\Delta w_j \end{equation} $ Where: $\begin{equation} \...
unno's user avatar
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How can I explain the difference in decision boundary and its reason in relation to the dimension of the hidden layer?

I got these 3 different plots of decision boundaries using 3 different parameters for hidden_layer_sizes of the MLPClassifier from sklearn on XOR gate. ...
wyc's user avatar
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Explanation of Equation 5.80 in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop

How the equation 5.80 in _Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning_ by Bishop is derived?
ironhide012's user avatar
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Does the n >> p holds also for minibatches

It's pretty known that when dealing with models (without regularization) the main assumption is $n >> p$ where $p$ is the number of features in the dataset Let's suppose that we have 1.000.000 ...
Alberto's user avatar
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How do I check if the weights of my perceptron/step activation function are correct

I am new to stack overflow and deep learning so I hope I am doing this the right way. I tried to find the solution myself but it has not been successful so I am seeking some help. This is the ...
Bubo's user avatar
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Neural network for imbalanced data

I have an imbalanced data (n = 600, about 97% majority and 3% minority) with 20 features and a binary outcome. The data has been split into a training set and a test set (80%/20%). I used H2o autoML ...
user145331's user avatar
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Differentiating output of layer with respect to its input [duplicate]

Say we have a relationship $ z = Wx$ for a multi layer perceptron where $z$ and $x$ are $n$ dimensional vectors. When we find $\frac{dz}{dx}$ , I would assume this would just be $W$, not $W^T$. I was ...
bebop's user avatar
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Why do the training and validation accuracy drop after tuning?

I thought my MLP (multi-layer perceptron)'s accuracy will increase after tuning. However, the accuracy dropped. Then someone told me that I should add Dropout layers with 50% dropping. I did that. ...
user366312's user avatar
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Single-layer perceptron mathematical formulation

I'm trying to btter understand the formalism under the following compact formulation of a single-layer perceptron. If we consider $V=\mathbb{R}^d$, then $$\hat{f}(x_1, \dots, x_d) = \sum_{i=1}^Nc_i\...
James Arten's user avatar
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Did Hinton introduce the concept of distributed representation?

From Goodfellow et al.'s Deep Learning book: Several key concepts arose during (...) the 1980s that remain central to today’s deep learning. One of these concepts is that of distributed ...
Saucy Goat's user avatar
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Why pure exponent is not used as activation function for neural networks?

The ReLU function is commonly used as an activation function in machine learning, as well, as its modifications (ELU, leaky ReLU). The overall idea of these functions is the same: before ...
MefAldemisov's user avatar
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How to resolve the perceptron dilemma for binary classification?

I have a following thought problem involving perceptron and binary classification that I wonder if anyone has thought about before. This is not from any textbook or reference, although I doubt I'm the ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Best approach for energy demand forecasting

I am trying to predict the amount of energy demand(Wh) of the next two weeks per hour. The dataset I have, contains each hour of each day since 2019 of the energy demand, is something like this: ...
ivan's user avatar
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About Multi-layer Perceptrons

I've always been a bit confused when it comes to Deep Learning terminology. Is the definition of the perceptron, whether single layer or multi layer, associated with a specific type of activation ...
Kamal Raydan's user avatar
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Rule of thumb for Data Requirements when Designing a Neural Network for Deep Learning

I'm designing an MLP classifier and I've been noticing that: Using a very shallow network, or one whose at least one layer has a small number of neurons yields bad performance Using a deep network ...
Mefitico's user avatar
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Why do we use Matrix in Perceptron instead of Functions?

Matrices are good objects to store connections between dimensions/entities. However, matrix computation is often time consuming and sometimes wasteful if matrix is too sparse. Also thinking about the ...
metron's user avatar
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Whats the different between Logistic regression and perceptron?

In a binary classification problem, if both logistic regression and a single preceptron uses Sigmoid function, what's the difference in classification results, since they will have the same decision ...
denali's user avatar
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Can we express CNNs in terms of a MLP?

I have been wondering whether a convolution can be represented in terms of an MLP. We can say that in convolution we have shared parameters between different neurons. But how to express this ...
Nomaan Qureshi's user avatar
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Why aren't neural networks used with RBF activation functions (or other non-monotonic ones)?

In most work I've seen, MLPs (multilayer perceptron, the most typical feedforward neural network) and RBF (radial basis function) networks are compared as distinct models, where MLP neuron outputs $\...
Christabella Irwanto's user avatar
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Neural network regression with constraint

I am training a neural network for a regression task, where the dependent variable varies in the range from $0$ to $10$. Unsurprizingly, with the test data set, I obtain the predictions that fall ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Can we use perceptron training algorithm to train a single neuron with sigmoid activation?

The perceptron training algorithm is summarized as: Apply the inputs and calculate the output $ y $ Compare with the desired output yd and calculate error $e = y-y_d$ Update the weights based on the ...
Osama El-Ghonimy's user avatar
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SciKit Learn: Multilayer perceptron early stopping, restore best weights

In the SciKit documentation of the MLP classifier, there is the early_stopping flag which allows to stop the learning if there is not any improvement in several ...
volperossa's user avatar
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Weight update rule for Rosenblatt's Perceptron

I'm wondering if anybody can explain how Rosenblatt reached his formula for updating the weights of his Perceptron: $\textbf{w}_{t+1} = \textbf{w}_{t} +\eta ( y_j - \hat{y}_j ) \textbf{x}_j$ It seems ...
Berthrand Eros's user avatar
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Equivalence of Deep Feed-Forward Neural Network to Single-Layer Network

I am new to Deep Learning, and I was going through some lecture notes I found online. It said that a feed-forward neural network with $n$ hidden layers and only linear activation functions is ...
vjgu's user avatar
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Can we get the input from a multilayer perceptron based on the output of one of its hidden layers?

I was reading a relatively new paper that proposed to split a nerual networks layers into groups and sending each group to different nodes to train them in a distributed manner. In order to not send ...
sgaseretto's user avatar
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Why the weight vector is a linear combination of the inputs and the outputs in the Perceptron

I was studying Support Vector Machines and I've got stuck with this relation regarding the weight vector of the hyperplane. $w=\sum\limits_{i\in I}^{} y_i x_i$ For reference, I'm studying from the ...
TonyRomero's user avatar
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LabelEncoder with a Multi-Layer Perceptron?

So we're working on a machine learning project at work and it's the first time I'm working with an actual team on this. I got pretty good results with a model that uses the following SKLearn pipeline: ...
lte__'s user avatar
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Why is the equation for a single-neuron perceptron decision boundary Wp + b = 0 set to ZERO?

I am learning about artificial neural networks. I understand how the weights determine the slope of the (orthogonal) decision boundary and how the bias shifts that decision boundary, much like a line. ...
Erik Maldonado's user avatar
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Why do my training losses go up?

I am new to Machine Learning and Tensorflow. For one of my courses, I need to train an MLP for the xor gate. But my losses somehow go up each epoch, which confuses me and I must admit that I ran out ...
David Neufeld's user avatar
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Convergence speed of perceptron algorithm

I was reading the convergence proof for the perceptron algorithm. It says under the assumption that there are some $R$, $\theta^*$ with $|\theta^*| = 1$ and $\gamma > 0$, such that $y_t(x_t\cdot \...
cdes58042169's user avatar
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Can a unit-step function introduce non-linearity if used in the hidden nodes?

I have a follow up from this question. From the answers in that question, it's obvious that at minimum, a shallow network (only has a single hidden layer), as defined in the "Universal Approximation ...
Christian's user avatar
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linear perceptron algorithm with 3 training samples

So I am working on a linear perceptron algorithm problem that has 3 training samples. (2D space) ...
grizzleKat456's user avatar
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Gradient descent with Binary Cross-Entropy for single layer perceptron

I'm implementing a Single Layer Perceptron for binary classification in python. I'm using binary Cross-Entropy loss function and gradient descent. The gradient descent is not converging, may be I'm ...
Henrique Andrade's user avatar
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Rule of thumb Overfit in a MLP or is it possible with N = 135

I want to say ahead that I highly appreciate any Literature recommendation (Book, blogg, ...) besides ESL and ISL. My Question: Is it possible to train a 3 layer multilayer perceptron (mlp) in a ...
Björn's user avatar
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How are the weights updated in the perceptron learning rule?

I'm considering a perceptron model. I know that when feeding observations from the training dataset to the model, if the model correctly classifies the input, then the weights for this input will not ...
David's user avatar
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Why perceptron is linear classifier?

It is said that perceptron is linear classifier, but it has a non-linear activation function f = 1 if wx - b >= 0 and f = 0 otherwise If i will use some non-linear function on linear combination of ...
mike's user avatar
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Training Perceptrons with Backprop

Is it possible to train a simple perceptron with a threshold activation function such as this one: with Backpropagation instead of the perceptron rule? is it ...
Lrcp's user avatar
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Choosing perceptron weights to achieve 0% error

I'm really not sure what to do for this question, although I think I would be able to do q3 if I knew how to do q2
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Neural Networks Perceptrons and MLPs

While studying as a newbie about Neural Networks I started as everyone from the basics (perceptrons, MLPs) then how backpropagation works before dive in to harder deep learning concepts. Now, I am ...
Er1Hall's user avatar
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Neural Network Weight Update

I posted this on Software Engineering and was told that it might be better here and on AI. I'm currently reading Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems by Michael Negnevitsky (3rd ...
Omar's user avatar
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Can this network learn the XOR function?

Let's say I have the following constraints: The architecture is fixed (see image) (note that there are no biases) Activation function for the hidden layer is ReLU There's no activation function for ...
j.Doe's user avatar
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