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Energy based model of perceptron loss?

I was reading LeCun's tutorial paper on energy-based models of cost functions, and came upon this table. I don't understand how he got the equation for perceptron loss. Can someone clarify how that ...
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Neural networks: how can convex optimization produce different weights each time?

I am training a multilayer perceptron with a logistic activation function by backpropagation. The weights are not unique - each time I redo the fit, I get a different set of weights. However the ...
Count Zero's user avatar
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Clarification about Perceptron Rule vs. Gradient Descent vs. Stochastic Gradient Descent implementation

I experimented a little bit with different Perceptron implementations and want to make sure if I understand the "iterations" correctly. Rosenblatt's original perceptron rule As far as I understand, ...
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