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Questions tagged [perplexity]

Perplexity is a measure uses to evaluate how well a probability model predicts a given test set. It is closely related to cross-entropy.

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1 answer

Measuring perplexity over a limited domain in an LLM

Are there papers/a literature on measuring perplexity in using a Large Language Model such as ChatGPT/Flan over a limited domain? I want to prompt an LLM to do movie recommendations/next job ...
piedpiper's user avatar
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Accounting for edge cases without training on the test set

I'm fine-tuning a large language model to predict binary sentiment, where a false negative is far more costly for my use case than a false positive. I've used weighted cross-entropy to account for ...
multiheadedattention's user avatar
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Codebook Perplexity in VQ-VAE

I am working on VQ-VAE experiments, and I have noticed that perplexity has been used as an evaluation measure for VQ codebook. Also, most of the work including codebook perplexity as a evaluation ...
esh3390's user avatar
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Perplexity for different n-gram models

I'm training a Lidstone Model with different n-gram sequences to see witch one is the best (2-gram, 3-gram, 4-gram, etc) in the same text database. When I give all these models an unseen text sample ...
Lfzinho's user avatar
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How to avoid underflow of the probability of sentence in calculating the perplexity of corpus

I am looking at this post How to find the perplexity of a corpus. I understand the whole post, but the probability of a sentence appear in a corpus, in a unigram model, is given by p(s)=∏ni=1p(wi), ...
Qqqq's user avatar
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2 votes
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Calculating perplexity with smoothing techniques (NLP)

This question is about smoothed n-gram language models. When we use additive smoothing on the train set to determine the conditional probabilities, and calculate the perplexity of train data, where ...
Janani K's user avatar
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Breaking substitution cipher with language model

Frequency analysis is a common tool used to break substitution ciphers, but often relies on intuition and guesswork of a human. Since language models can objectively calculate perplexity (how ...
Christian Doucette's user avatar
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Finding the perplexity of multiple examples

I am trying to find a way to calculate perplexity of a language model of multiple 3-word examples from my test set, or perplexity of the corpus of the test set. As the test set, I have a paragraph ...
Cavarica2's user avatar
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Normalization of corpus to find perplexity

In the formula of finding the perplexity of a corpus, why is it normalized based on the total number of words? Why shouldn't be normalized based on number of sentences? If # of sentences is used for ...
need2learnmore's user avatar
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Perplexity for short sentences

I have a model that outputs short sentences and want to compare the quality of its outputs for different configurations by computing their perplexities using another model. I tried to use the gpt-2 ...
dj_rydu's user avatar
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Why does perplexity change with different ranges of k?

I ran a 5-fold cross-validation in R to calculate LDA perplexity for k = 2:9 using a 10% sample of my data. The output was: ...
numeralpotatochips's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Word perplexity on a subword language model

Let's have corpora $X = x_1...x_N$ in which every word can be represented using subwords (from a fixed size vocabulary of subwords) $x_i = x_{i,0}...x_{i,M(x_i)}$ where $M(x_i)$ is number of ...
wswin's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why does larger perplexity tend to produce clearer clusters in t-SNE?

Why does larger perplexity tend to produce clearer clusters in t-SNE? By reading the original paper, I learned that the perplexity in t-SNE is $2$ to the power of Shannon entropy of the conditional ...
meTchaikovsky's user avatar
3 votes
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Perplexity formula in the t-SNE paper vs. in the implementation

The perplexity formula in the official paper of t-SNE IS NOT the same as in its implementation. In the implementation (MATLAB): ...
ElegantLogic's user avatar
7 votes
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Intuition behind perplexity parameter in t-SNE

While reading Laurens van der Maaten's paper about t-SNE we can encounter the following statement about perplexity: The perplexity can be interpreted as a smooth measure of the effective number of ...
Kuba_'s user avatar
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LDA and test data perplexity [closed]

I've performed Latent Dirichlet Analysis on a training set of documents. At the ideal number of topics I would expect a minimum of perplexity for the test dataset. However, I find that the ...
BHC's user avatar
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1 answer

Perplexity of a Non-Statistical Language Model

I have a piece of software that, given a input phrase, returns an ordered list of the next most likely words (entire vocab is ordered 1 to n). This is essentially an Language Model with the exception ...
bivouac0's user avatar
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1 answer

Perplexity calculation with neural nets

I am having troubles understanding which formula to use to calculate perplexity of a neural language model. Various places online on the forums people suggest using 2^(cross-entropy) measure, which is ...
Boris Mocialov's user avatar
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Why do I get weird results when using high perpexity in t-SNE?

I played around with the t-SNE implementation in scikit-learn and found that increasing perplexity seemed to always result in a torus/circle. I couldn't find any ...
Mathias Andersen's user avatar
6 votes
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Inferring the number of topics for gensim's LDA - perplexity, CM, AIC, and BIC

I am confused as to how to interpret the LDA's perplexity fluctuations with different numbers of topics, in the endeavour of determining the best number of topics. Additionally, I would like to know ...
Rafs's user avatar
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How should perplexity of LDA behave as value of the latent variable k increases?

When increasing the value of the latent variable k for LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation), how should perplexity behave: On the training set? On the testing set?
user179041's user avatar
4 votes
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Language Model compare probability scores between Length varying sentence

My question is : How can I compare Language Model(LM) score for two sentences with different lengths ? Probabilities are < 1...
pseudo_teetotaler's user avatar
13 votes
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Perplexity and cross-entropy for n-gram models

Trying to understand the relationship between cross-entropy and perplexity. In general for a model M, Perplexity(M)=2^entropy(M) . Does this relationship hold for all different n-grams, i.e. unigram, ...
Margalit's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of perplexity for a continuous distribution?

Lets say I have, though some unspecified means, created a model that gives me a continuous distribution with a p.d.f $f_X$, for some variable $X$ I am modelling. And let us say that I have a set of ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
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Perplexity, cross/conditional entropy and law of total variance

I was reading about the concept of Perplexity and was thinking whether there's a connexion with the law of law of total variance, but I couldn't find any reference. The law of total variance is: $$...
cd98's user avatar
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4 answers

What is perplexity?

I came across term perplexity which refers to the log-averaged inverse probability on unseen data. Wikipedia article on perplexity does not give an intuitive meaning for the same. This perplexity ...
Learner's user avatar
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