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Can I use the minimum lambda.1se among 100 iterations of 10-fold cv.glmnet to tune the final model?

I am running 10-fold cross-validation(cv.glmnet) 100 times on a training dataset in R. The purpose of this process is to find the optimal lambda to tune the final model for my prediction model. I did ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How the multiplication of observations numbers contributes to Bayesian assumption in BIC calculation?

The model selection process applies both AIC and BIC in various situations: $$\operatorname{AIC} = -2\operatorname{ln}(\operatorname{likelihood}) + 2k$$ and $$\operatorname{BIC} = -2\operatorname{ln}(\...
Eddie S's user avatar
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What features are suitable when predicting user preferences for songs?

I have a data set consisting of 1240 audio files (30 seconds each) and a file like this (two first rows): u v decision 1 323 0 12 9 1 ...
lala_12's user avatar
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Predict the injury time of a football match?

I have a project which requires me to predict the injury time of a football match. And I have the relevant information, such as goals, corners, referee, 2 team names and the injury time for each half. ...
waibibabo's user avatar