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Using predicted outcomes to adress selection bias in causal inference

Can I use predicted outcomes from one model as the dependent variable in another model to make causal claims? Put differently, is there something equivalent to the Frish-Waugh-Lovell theorem for ...
Nils Gudat's user avatar
18 votes
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How would econometricians answer the objections and recommendations raised by Chen and Pearl (2013)?

In their article, Chen and Pearl (2013), critically examined 6 econometric textbooks, among these the textbooks written by Wooldridge (2009) {the introductory book}, and Stock & Watson (2011). ...
ColorStatistics's user avatar
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Do you need causal models when doing counterfactual predictions?

I am modeling the impact the number of a certain type of company (bottom of pyramid (BOP) companies, ie. companies that cater to the poorest consumers) have on market price. I considered the ...
user54360's user avatar