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Analyzing importance of continuous and categorical variables in linear regression in R

I am using R. I have a data set with a binary (0,1) response and both continuous and categorical predictors. I would like to test the overall importance of these predictors one by one, and I am ...
brightlilac's user avatar
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Logistic Regression on multiple classes (Shouldn't it be only on binary?)

I'm a bit confused with the usage of logistic regression for multi-class classification. My understanding is that a logistic regression is dichotomous (two possible classes), so in the example of the ...
ProcolHarum's user avatar
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How to improve Recall and Precision?

I am working on a big data set which has 25 features with 237862 number of rows. I am trying to predict return . 1 is for return and 0 for no return. My data set has 12% of data which returned. So ...
foram224's user avatar
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Is this variable suitable for a categorical regression (multinomial logistic regression)?

I have created a dataset starting from a series of multiple choice (3 choices) questions. ...
scugn1zz0's user avatar
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Logistic regression - handling very few observations for a level of a categorical variable

Context I'm not sure what to do in the scenario where one of the levels for a variable has so few levels that there's a good chance splitting the data into $70\%$ training $30\%$ testing will result ...
baxx's user avatar
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Alternatives to logistic regression when dataset can't meet 10 events per predictor variable

I have a dataset with a binary outcome I'd like to model, but have many more parameters than events, probably ~100 categorical parameters to test, in a dataset with 20 events in ~600 observations. As ...
user124123's user avatar
4 votes
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It is said Logistic regression doesn't deal with categorical features well. Why is it so?

multiple articles on the internet proclaim that logistic regression as a method is not able to deal with categorical independent features well. Unfortunately i was not able to find any explanation for ...
amlanchak29's user avatar
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How to choose between including categorical variable as factor or continuous?

I am fitting a regression model for a binary valued outcome as a function of an ordinal exposure taking as many as 21 different levels. Ordinal exposures can be coded continuously or categorically. ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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variable error on logistic regression/ proc catmod- Building predictive model

I am using logistic regression to fit a model with categorical/multinomial varaibles. data-description: There are over 300 variables as independent variables, sample size is 5000 which is divided into ...
batman's user avatar
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Logistics regression decision categorical variable makes huge difference in Kaggle-Titanic problem in R

I have this linear model: ...
SLOBY's user avatar
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