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Questions tagged [pybrain]

PyBrain is an open source machine-learning library for Python. It supports a wide range of optimization techniques, neural networks, reinforcement learning and more.

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Parallel Q-learning

I'm looking for academic papers or other credible sources focusing on the topic of parralelized reinforcement learning, specifically Q-learning. I'm mostly interested in methods of sharing Q-table ...
Luke's user avatar
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Neural Network - Learning accuracy drops heavily after a couple of epochs

I designed a neural network to classify some images into 28 classes. Here are the parameters : Weight Decay : 0.005 Momentum : 0.01 Learning Rate : 0.001 and 0.005 Learning Decay : 1 Input : 100x100 ...
Cypher's user avatar
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Neural Network Layer for Binary Outputs

I'm currently using an LSTM network to make a yes or no decision in a robot. The network has a single output with the values in training data being 0 for one decision and 1 for another. The problem ...
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