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Post-hoc tukey test after repeated measures ANOVA in R taking into account spherecity

I am trying to do some repeated measure anova in R. Consider the following data. ...
Crops's user avatar
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Can I use RM-ANOVA with unbalanced within-subject design with sphericity violated?

I have data from an EEG experiment. Originally, the design was balanced, but because in EEG you loose a lot of data to noise and malfunctioning equipment, the end-result is unbalanced data. I am ...
HernanLG's user avatar
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Repeated-measures multiple regression that takes care of sphericity in R

I'm looking for a way to run a repeated-measures multiple regression in R, which would take care of sphericity - either by applying some corrections (such as Huynh-Feldt), or by avoiding the problem ...
themeo's user avatar
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