Questions tagged [scoring-rules]

Scoring rules are used to assess the accuracy of predicted probabilities, or more generally of predictive densities. Examples of scoring rules include the logarithmic, Brier, spherical, ranked probability and the Dawid-Sebastiani score and the predictive deviance.

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1 vote
0 answers

Calibrating CatBoostClassifier produces worse results

I'm performing multiclass probability prediction using CatBoostClassifier on a dataset with ~4000 rows, 13 features, 4 target classes. Dataset has outliers, but it is balanced. For this task I'm using ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why do we maximize likelihood (sum of logs) and not simply maximize sum of probabilities? [duplicate]

In logistic regression we find the maximum likelihood estimator - $\max \prod_{i} p(y_i \mid x_i)$. Which in practice means maximizing the sum of log likelihoods. This makes sense, I understand MLE. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Two-sided KS-Test for Evaluating Prediction Model?

In the article there is a proposal of using Two-Sided KS-Tests for evaluating the accuracy of predictions from Machine Learning (ML) ...
3 votes
2 answers

What is a scoring rule for binary classification that is not dependent on the "difficulty" of classification?

Consider a model that predicts the probability of some binary event $Y$ (potentially given some features $X$). Denote the estimated probability of $Y$ occurring as $\hat{p}$. One possible choice for a ...
10 votes
1 answer

Reconciling optimisation for log-likelihood and Brier score

Both log-likelihood and Brier score are proper scoring rules. As such, they reach the optimum when the predicted probabilities match the true ones. Since there is only one true probability for each ...
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1 answer

What scoring system to use based on two variables

I have an excel file that shows the performance of several keywords in my paid search campaign. I have two variables, number of visits & conversion rate, based on which I want to score each ...
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1 answer

Score/validate a regression Neural Network

I wonder what is the best statistical method to validate/score/evaluate a regression Neural Network used to predict probabilities (an example would be using a Regression NN to predict the probability ...
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0 answers

Error metric for regression of count data: Poisson Deviance or Mean Square Error?

I would like to understand what difference it makes, if I use, for example, either Mean Square Error or Poisson Deviance as error metric/loss function for a regression of count data. Are there any a-...
1 vote
1 answer

How to rank data based on multiple variables

I need help in ranking data, says car models in this case, based on multiple variables. For some variables (eg. mpg), the higher the better. For some variables (eg. car age), the lower the better. For ...
54 votes
10 answers

How to choose between ROC AUC and F1 score?

I recently completed a Kaggle competition in which roc auc score was used as per competition requirement. Before this project, I normally used f1 score as the metric to measure model performance. ...
23 votes
3 answers

(Why) Is absolute loss not a proper scoring rule?

Brier score is a proper scoring rule and is, at least in the binary classification case, square loss. $$Brier(y,\hat{y}) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N\big\vert y_i -\hat{y}_i\big\vert^2$$ Apparently this ...
5 votes
1 answer

Multiclass proper scoring rule decomposition: (weighted) average across the categories?

I have found a Python function that calculates the decomposition of various proper scoring rule, such as Brier score and log loss. However, it does not seem to accept arrays as arguments, so if I want ...
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2 answers

Scoring rules for time series data

I have found quite a lot of articles about scoring rules that seem to first work out theorems and proofs for scoring rules in an iid setting, after which they proceed to apply them to some time series ...
5 votes
3 answers

Quality measure for predictive Highest Density Regions

An alternative to point, interval and density forecasts/predictions would be "predictive highest density regions (pHDRs)", i.e., HDRs for the conditional density of a yet-unknown future ...
1 vote
1 answer

SVC doing great on validation & test data but scored very low on predicted data

First of all, this is my first machine learning project after taking Andrew Ng's course, so please bear with me. I'm working on the most famous dataset, the Titanic data. First, I split the dataset ...
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0 answers

Link between Brier score and AUROC?

The wikipedia article about Brier Score mention a two-way decomposition: $$ BS = CAL + REL $$ (Calibration and Reliability) with: $$ REL = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{K} n_k * \hat{o_k} * (1 - \hat{o_k})$$...
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0 answers

Can the Brier score and Concordance index be anti-correlated?

I am using a proportional hazards Cox model to predict the survival probability of some mechanical components. I am using a combined L1-L2 penalization, and I want to optimize the (integrated) Brier ...
8 votes
2 answers

As Brier Score = MSE, does MSE in a regression have a calibration-discrimination decomposition?

When the outcome of a supervised learning problem is binary and probabilities are predicted, Brier score can be decomposed into a measure of calibration and a measure of discrimination. ...
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0 answers

How to show that the influence function of minimum density power divergence estimator with positive tuning parameter is bounded?

In the linked paper, in the influence function section, the term ${u_{\theta}(y)}{f_{\theta}(y)}^\alpha$ is directly called bounded which i do not get the explanation of? Here $\alpha > 0$ is the ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can the calibration-discrimination decomposition of Brier score be viewed as the bias-variance decomposition of mean squared error?

The mean squared error has a famous decomposition into bias and variance. $$ \text{MSE} = \text{bias}^2 + \text{var} $$ Brier score is also a mean squared error calculation, and Brier score has a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Unpack the notation used in Wikipedia's decomposition of the Brier score

Wikipedia has an article about the Brier score whose notation confuses me. The article starts out easy enough by defining the Brier score to be: $$ BS = \dfrac{1}{N}\overset{N}{\underset{i = 1}{\sum}}\...
4 votes
1 answer

Why isn't there a square root version of the Brier score similar to how RMSE complements MSE?

When computing the mean squared error of a regression model, we get a metric in square units. For ease of interpretation, we can therefore instead compute the root mean squared error, which are in ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is Brier score strictly proper in multi-label problems?

In problems where one of $3+$ categories can be observed and we prodict the probability of each category being observed, it is known that the Brier score is a strictly proper scoring rule that is ...
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1 answer

Is it preferred to evaluate with a metric at a single decision threshold (eg Fbeta) vs averageing across thresholds (eg ROC-AUC)

Consider these two approaches to evaluating a classifiers performance: Choose a metric that summarizes the confusion matrix at a pre-determined decision threshold. Common suggestions seems to be ...
16 votes
3 answers

How to choose optimal bin width while calibrating probability models?

Background: There are some great questions/answers here on how to calibrate models which predict probabilities of an outcome happening. For example Brier score, and its decomposition into resolution, ...
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0 answers

What is the relationship between the Brier score "refinement" and the area under the ROC curve?

In the Wikipedia article on Brier score, there is a claim that the "refinement" in the two-component decomposition of Brier score is related to the area under the receiver-operator ...
3 votes
2 answers

Do I need to calibrate a model to use the Brier score?

When I use the Brier score loss, do I need to calibrate the model and then use the calibrated model's predictions as input into the Brier score loss? If I just use a non-calibrated model's ...
241 votes
11 answers

Why is accuracy not the best measure for assessing classification models?

This is a general question that was asked indirectly multiple times in here, but it lacks a single authoritative answer. It would be great to have a detailed answer to this for the reference. ...
7 votes
3 answers

How much of neural network overconfidence in predictions can be attributed to modelers optimizing threshold-based metrics?

Neural network "classifiers" output probability scores, and when they are optimized via crossentropy loss (common) or another proper scoring rule, they are optimized in expectation by the ...
2 votes
2 answers

validation accuracy, recall and precision remains constant after 30th epoch

I am using TensorFlow model EfficientNetB0 for transfer learning, but after a number of epochs the validation accuracy, -precision, and -recall remains constant. Is this something I should be worried ...
8 votes
2 answers

Why use a scoring rule different from the loss function?

I guess my question is related to these ones: Choosing among proper scoring rules, The performance metric used in prediction is different from the objective function to train the model, but I'm still ...
0 votes
1 answer

Between steps for fisher information matrix element using Poisson regression?

I am currently working through some math related to my work, and trying to understand how the individual pieces of the following equations come together for the Fisher information matrix expression (...
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0 answers

Best way to show one Bayesian model is more certain and accurate than another, based on simulated data?

I'm trying to compare performance of two bayesian models $A$ and $B$ on simulated data. It's a recruitment curve fitting problem and I'm interested in how accurate these models are in estimating only ...
4 votes
1 answer

Factorization of Proper Scoring Rules

Suppose that we have a joint probability distribution $P(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)$. Given a sample $x = (x_1,x_2,...,x_n)$, the proper scoring rule log score can be computed as follows: $$S(P,x) = \log P(x_1,...
2 votes
1 answer

Equivalent of proper scoring rule for point forecasts

Proper scoring rule is a concept used for evaluating density forecasts. What would be an equivalent for evaluating point forecasts? E.g. mean squared error seems like a proper metric for evaluating ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is a "decision boundary" incompatible with proper scoring rules?

Having a decision boundary in a binary classification problem tells me that if the point lies on one side of the boundary, classify as $0$; if the point lies on the other side, classify as $1$. What ...
29 votes
2 answers

Is accuracy an improper scoring rule in a binary classification setting?

I have recently been learning about proper scoring rules for probabilistic classifiers. Several threads on this website have made a point of emphasizing that accuracy is an improper scoring rule and ...
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0 answers

When *is* classification accuracy the right measure of performance

Plenty has been discussed on Cross Validated about the drawbacks of classification accuracy when it comes to evaluating classification models. One good answer is here, for instance. Under what ...
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2 answers

Scoring predictions of an ordinal variable

I read about using scoring rules to evaluate the performance of predictive models. In the Wikipedia article about the Brier score, it is stated: The Brier score is appropriate for binary and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Scaled median shift between two observation when median is close to zero

I'm coming for a computer science background and statistics is not my forte, please bear with me. I have two revisions $R_1$ and $R_2$ each consisting of around 10000 processes $T_i$ (involving some ...
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0 answers

Was approaching this as a classification problem a mistake and should I have to use regression instead?

So I am training a model to predict baseball plate appearance outcomes, which I have been modelling as a single multi-class output problem, namely because single, mutually exclusive outcomes is what ...
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2 answers

Ideal scoring rules for multitask classification?

I am seeking advice for the best way to score a multi-output/multitask classification model's output. Problem setup A simplified version of the model is as follows: Training data have F features, say ...
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0 answers

Is generation/evaluation of probabilistic predictions on continuous data feasible for larger data sets in practice?

To better capture uncertainty about the phenomena that we model, probabilistic predictions seem to be a natural and common extension of point predictions. Methods for evaluation of these predictions ...
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0 answers

Sensitivity, Accuracy, AUROC, Gini

I got following chart: The algorithms have been applied to a dataset where an outcome is pretty rare, it happens 10% of the times (binary, 0- 90%, 1-10%). It is the response whether a client is going ...
3 votes
1 answer

Unusual approach to assess a predictive model's performance?

Context: I am working on a predictive model. Let's call it $f$. The outcome that $f$ is trying to predict is binary. It makes predictions as probabilities, i.e. for a given input $x$, $f(x) \in (0,1)$....
4 votes
1 answer

Is the H-measure a strictly proper or a proper scoring rule?

The H-measure was proposed by Dr Hand in his article Measuring classifier performance: a coherent alternative to the area under the ROC curve (2009), as a replacement for AUC-ROC. I haven't been able ...
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0 answers

Researching the effect of bookmakers' odds on predictions

I did an experiment in which I asked 150 people to predict the likelihood of the home team winning eight upcoming NBA playoff matches. Subjects were separated in four different treatments in a 2x2 ...
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2 answers

First derivative of multivariate normal density with exchangeable correlation structure

As part of a proof, I need to take the first derivative of the log of the following multivariate normal density: $(2\pi)^{-k/2} |\Sigma|^{-1/2} \exp\left(\frac{-1}{2} x'\Sigma^{-1}x\right)$. In this ...
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0 answers

Is the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test appropriate when the Brier score is the accuracy metric?

When comparing model performance, is it valid to use the Wilcoxon signed rank test for matched pairs, when the accuracy metric is the Brier score? (Here, the Brier score is used in calculating the OOB ...
18 votes
2 answers

Multi-label classification - Brier Score or Log Loss?

I'm using scikit package with RandomForestClassifier, trying to predict binary or multi-lable classifications. I'm looking for a way to estimate the reliability of the model but really can't figure ...

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