Questions tagged [shapiro-wilk-test]

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36 votes
6 answers

Interpretation of Shapiro-Wilk test

I'm pretty new to statistics and I need your help. I have a small sample, as follows: ...
Jakub's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Can a sample larger than 5,000 data points be tested for normality using shapiro.test by applying the test to a subsample?

I have a number of samples that I would like to test for normality. One of the samples exceeds 5,000 data points, the limit up to which the shapiro test accepts samples. This is the data: ...
Chris Ruehlemann's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I assume normal distribution?

I have calculated daily price returns of Bitcoin and plotted this data in the following way: x-axis: returns in % y-axis: count I assumed the data had a normal distribution to calculate the $$\rm ...
BlankerHans's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

If a sample is not normally distributed, can a subset of the sample be normal?

I have used a Shapiro-wilk test on all of my data and the results show that it is not normally distributed. However, could this mean that a subset of my data could still be normally distributed?
wacketsduffel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to test if data follows a half-normal distribution?

There are many ways to test if the data comes from normal distribution. like this post But the question is how to test if the data follows half-normal distribution? I know Ks-test, but as the post ...
Jiaqi Ding's user avatar