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Sensitivity / specificity with dependent observations

Suppose we have a classification scenario, where each observation is comprised from a reader, a case and the status (0 or 1). Each reader get several cases (but each case is shown to only one reader). ...
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Multiple observations AUC, Sensitivity and Specificity

I am trying to find a CIs for the AUC, sensitivity and specificity. In my scenario, each observation consistent of a subject and an area examined, that is it is obvious that areas examined for the ...
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Estimating the mean and variance for a set of probabilities (bounded by 0 and 1) based on Image Segmentation results

Data My data is from a set of images wherein I am computing the Sensitivity of an image segmentation algorithm. Sensitivity is computed as: $$Sensitivity=\frac{TP_{pixels}}{TP_{pixels}+FN_{pixels}}$$ ...
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