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Is it possible that false-positive rate decreases with increasing prevalence?

I am interested in the effect of prevalence on prediction performance. Chouldechova (2016) states that: [w]hen using a test-fair [recidivism prediction instrument] in populations where recidivism ...
Max J.'s user avatar
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Relationship between sensitiviy, probability of detection and Prevalence

Folks, I have 3 questions: If I know the number of exams performed with a specific test on a group of patients and the test's sensitivity, can I directly estimate the overall probability of detecting ...
Felipe Lourenço's user avatar
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What is the probability of at least one person in a sample of k people being infected?

Given the prevalence, sensitivity and specificity of a single test are known.
r3dapple's user avatar
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Post test probability with a ROC curve

I have data that is normally distributed related to risk of a particular disease. At the median of the distribution, you would expect to observe the population prevalence level of disease P0=0.01. For ...
sethsh7's user avatar
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Prevalence threshold calculations error

I see on this page the formula for calculation of prevalence threshold: Given also are following values on that page: ...
rnso's user avatar
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