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Post test probability with a ROC curve

I have data that is normally distributed related to risk of a particular disease. At the median of the distribution, you would expect to observe the population prevalence level of disease P0=0.01. For ...
sethsh7's user avatar
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Calculating true positive and true negative from sensitivity and specificity

I know the specificity and sensitivity of a test are both 90%. The incidence is 2.5%. The total population is 10,000 and the number of people with the illness is 250, how do I calculate the true ...
AliceH's user avatar
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S-Shaped/Vertical ROC curve crossing the diagonal

I am running binary logistic regression and when the ROC curve is created this is the output (see below): I believe it makes sense somewhat, as the model does have 100% specificity and 0% sensitivity ...
CuriousStudent's user avatar
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How to calculate the likelyhood that a single measurement "belongs" to a standard distribution?

(Apologies in advance for using wrong terms and probably asking the wrong question) Given a standard distribution with some $\mu$ and $\sigma$, and a single measurement $m$. Can I calculate the ...
Tiddo's user avatar
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Sensitivity Testing - Using Probit GLM to Infer Parameters of the Independent Variable

I am an engineer working with some sensitivity data. In this type of experiment, you test a device at a certain stimulus and observe whether or not it fails (binary outcome). For example, you might ...
user31189's user avatar
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Sum of sensitivity and specificity meaningful?

I came across an article in the BMJ that claims that a useful rule of thumb metric for assessing a medical test's performance is that the sum of specificity and sensitivity should be greater than 1.5 ...
N Blake's user avatar
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Can AUC increase while both sensitivity and specificity decrease?

Assume I am given two classifiers - A and B. Is it possible that the specificity and sensitivity obtained from using B will be higher than A, but the AUC of A will be higher than the AUC of B? Will ...
German_S's user avatar
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Ordinal logistic regression: sensitivity / specifity

I am trying to determine the sensitivity and specificity per category of an outcome with ordinal categories between 1 and 6 predicted by 5 predictors. Overall accuracy is around 45%, but I want to ...
Jens's user avatar
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Imperfect test sensitivity...what does 0% prevalence really mean?

I'm trying to think about test sensitivity and specificity in a theoretical disease-host system. Say you have a population from which you take a sample and test for the pathogen of interest using a ...
Meg's user avatar
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Very low specificity in random forests classification model with balanced classes

I've been building a model within a k-fold cross-validation,and seem to be getting pretty much the same results i.e. very high sensitivity and low specificity. What I've tried: Different values of ...
o.l.iva's user avatar
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Combining time series to increase sensitivity

I have two sensors logging data synchronously. The two sensors are similar, so the recorded time series are correlated except for some special conditions. I recorded data in different input parameter ...
steve22's user avatar
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Finding PCA-like directions in feature space that maximise sensitivity to a target variable

I have a fairly large space of feature variables in which I want to build a predictor for a target variable. My input dataset for training the predictor are sampled from the space using a mix of log ...
andybuckley's user avatar
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Assess sensitivity of a binary screening result across other continuous covariate(s)

I want to assess the sensitivity of a diagnostic screening test, which is a binary test (screen +ve and screen -ve). There is no continuous measure from this test - it is literally yes or no. My ...
Dilsher Singh Dhillon's user avatar
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estimate probability that sensitivity/specificity greater than threshold value

Is there a Bayesian method to estimate the probability that the sensitivity of a diagnostic test is greater than some value, say 0.70? Rather than estimate sensitivity and a confidence interval (e.g., ...
Eric Green's user avatar
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Why do dummy regressors decrease sensitivity in linear regression?

For linear regression analysis, I thought that the addition of covariates which are not related to the dependent variable $Y$ does not decrease sensitivity. Such random/dummy regressors can be ...
Wiktor Olszowy's user avatar
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Applying SMOTE and increasing sensitivity

I am trying to analyze lending club data and want to predict whether a loan is risky or safe using random forest with decision tree as a classifier. The data is imbalanced. It contains one-fourth of ...
KAY_YAK's user avatar
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What is the correct method for comparing sensitivity and specifity of different tests?

What is the correct method of comparing efficiency of different test for one sample of individuals? Are ROC and AUC enough? Comparing of sensitivity and specifity values of the tests with McNemar ...
karaca's user avatar
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How to evaluate sensitivity and specifity of different tests

I am comparing two test using different cut-off values with golden standart test . How is it to be reported. Is it sufficent to report sensitivity, specivity, PPV and NPV with 95 CI or should I ...
karaca's user avatar
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Cost sensitive analysis versus Threshold

I am running a cost sensitive ensemble methods (for the first time to access algorithms of this type) 'CostSensitiveRandomPatchesClassifier' in Python on my imbalanced dataset (positive cases are rare ...
LUSAQX's user avatar
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Logistic Regression: Classification Table, Sensitivity and Specificity

I'm currently working with binary logistic regression in SAS to predict the probability of loan default and I have a problem with sensitivity and specificity. I have a data sample of about N=3650 ...
andlak's user avatar
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