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Can I use both Greenhouse-Geisser AND Huynh-Feldt?

Basically I'm doing a repeated measures ANOVA with the following interactions: Stimulation, Emotion, Time-Stimulation, Time-Emotion, Stimulation-Emotion, and Time-Stimulation-Emotion Mauchly's Test of ...
lou's user avatar
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Is a correction for sphericity violation needed for post-hoc comparisons following repeated-measures ANOVA?

In a repeated-measures ANOVA, there is an assumption of sphericity, so that the variance of differences between groups is similar for all pairs of groups. A violation of this assumption can be ...
Fiona's user avatar
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Variance-Covariance Matrix (Sphericity): Valid?

I am completing a basic statistics exercise for a graduate-level ANOVA course (for psychology trainees). We've just started on repeated measures (i.e. within-subjects) designs, beginning with the ...
Speleo4Life's user avatar
-1 votes
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Accuracy vs Precision: Can I use the Sphercity Assumption data in a meaningful way?

I understand that when conducting a repeated measures design with say one factor having three levels (Training: None, Standard, New Method), in the analysis you want the sphercity assumption to not be ...
Hubris555's user avatar
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How does sphericity violations affect RM-ANOVA results?

My current understanding is that sphericity violations inflate the F-value and therefore type I error. I'd like to know how exactly this manifests itself mathematically. To follow-up, why does ...
Ghislain d'Entremont's user avatar
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Is sphericity violated if my sample size is less than the repeated measurement count?

In SPSS, I find that the Mauchley's test does not provide any result if the sample size is less than the repeated measurement count. I have a sample size of 19 and a repeated measures of 22. My ...
Srilekha's user avatar
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Can I use RM-ANOVA with unbalanced within-subject design with sphericity violated?

I have data from an EEG experiment. Originally, the design was balanced, but because in EEG you loose a lot of data to noise and malfunctioning equipment, the end-result is unbalanced data. I am ...
HernanLG's user avatar
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Why is the "sphericity assumption" in RM-ANOVA (constant variance of difference scores) called "sphericity"?

Why is the "sphericity assumption" in RM-ANOVA, i.e. the assumption of constant variance of difference scores, called "sphericity"? (This question was suggested in the comments to a related question.)...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
4 votes
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Generating a dataset satisfying / violating the RM-ANOVA sphericity assumption

I was reading a research paper where they had a 2x3 repeated measures factorial design with a single DV. A suitable approach to this analysis would be a univariate repeated measures ANOVA. However, ...
Simon's user avatar
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HLM vs. repeated measures ANOVA -- sphericity concerns?

All, Say I have a 2 (between) x 4 (repeated measures) mixed factorial design. I was going to analyze it with ANOVA, but normality issues and sphericity concerns have made that not a good idea. Are ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
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Does sphericity (an RM-ANOVA assumption) require the covariances between difference scores to be the same?

Field's Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (2013, Sage) defines sphericity as follows: Sphericity: a less restrictive form of compound symmetry which assumes that the variances of the differences ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is compound symmetry sufficient to establish sphericity?

At this website it is stated that "If compound symmetry is met then sphericity is also met." Is it impossible to construct a data set that has perfect compound symmetry but not perfect sphericity? ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
11 votes
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Why does repeated measures ANOVA assume sphericity?

Why does repeated measures ANOVA assume sphericity? By sphericity I mean the assumption that the variance of all pairwise differences between groups should be the same. In particular, I don't ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
2 votes
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Simulating data for repeated measures ANOVA

I am currently working on a simulation study in which I compare two methods for analysing data from a repeated measures design. Let's say there are n subjects, and each subject goes through i ...
beginneR's user avatar
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Does Greenhouse-Geisser correction influence the effect size estimation, the statistical significance treshold, or both of them? [duplicate]

I discussed recently with one of my colleagues about the Greenhouse-Geisser correction for non-sphericity. I told him first that this correction is very conservative and that it would be more ...
Psychokwak's user avatar
5 votes
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Bonferroni and Greenhouse-Geisser corrections with repeated-measures ANOVA

I guess my question comes in two parts: Following a 1x7 repeated-measures ANOVA, I carried out 3 pre-planned tests. Two were t-tests between 2 of the conditions. The third is a 1x6 ANOVA (to test ...
Eric's user avatar
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Issues with the Huynh-Feldt values using either Anova or ezANOVA in R?

Is there an issue with the output of the Huynh-Feldt correction when running an ANOVA for both between and within factors (mixed design) in R? My issue is that when I run a 'within-subject (only)' ...
Sean Estrada's user avatar
3 votes
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Whether to use multivariate F test, df adjusted estimate, or sphericity assumed in repeated measures ANOVA?

I have data that involves 2 groups (equal sample size in each) and data for each group over 3 time points (they are actually 3 different monetary reward conditions). I want to investigate within group ...
Short Elizabeth's user avatar
29 votes
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Differences between MANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA?

What is the difference between a repeated measures ANOVA over some factor (say experimental condition) and a MANOVA? In particular one website I stumbled across suggested that MANOVA does not make the ...
russellpierce's user avatar