Questions tagged [spss]

IBM SPSS Statistics is a statistical software package. Use this tag for any on-topic question that (a) involves SPSS either as a critical part of the question or expected answer and (b) is not just about how to use SPSS.

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0 votes
0 answers

Multiple imputation of longitudinal data in SPSS

I'm attempting to analyse a longitudinal, retrospective dataset with measurements at various time-points. The data-set has a significant amount of missing data, up to 30% for the main outcome variable,...
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1 answer

SPSS Multicollinearity Binary Logistic

Just a quick one - I am running a binary logistic regression in SPSS and I wanted to check the VIF for multicollinearity. How do you do this when the dependent variable is binary - is it a case of ...
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1 answer

Calculating effect sizes for mediations using Process in SPSS

Can someone please help me. Last month I passed my PhD viva (yay!) with minor revisions and one of the revisions is providing effect sizes for me separate studies. For one of my studies I used the ...
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1 answer

Extracting Factor Scores of Latent Variables after CFA in AMOS

I plan to extract the latent variables' factor scores after conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). I will use these factor scores as explanatory variables for my next statistical procedure - ...
2 votes
2 answers

Regression with multiple variables and time series (in SPSS)

I tried to find similar questions on this topic but couldn't find anything that helped me with my problem, so I will try to explain it on my own. I'm trying to do a regression analysis on revenue for ...
2 votes
1 answer

Same odds ratio for both rows and columns

I'm getting stuck on how to run the odds ratio test for these two different questions: Novice clinicians are more likely to use validated assessments than other assessments Novice clinicians are ...
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Negative Binomial SPSS Error

I was running a negative binomial regression in SPSS and received the following message: The maximum number of step-halvings was reached but the log-likelihood value cannot be further improved. Output ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to analyze the frequency of correct/ non-correct answers

I have a question about how to analyze some data. It involves the performance of two equally sized groups in a questionary with 30 arithmetic questions that I scored with two possible outcomes (...
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1 answer

Regression for Likert scale SPSS

I have taken a survey. Dependent variable is on Likert scale (1-5). Independent variables are also on Likert scale 1-5. What kind of regression should i better use? I thought about multinomial (or ...
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1 answer

What stat test to use, ANOVA, correlation? Comparing control with experimental group

I am really hoping someone can help me. I have my data all collected however I am really struggling how to analyse it. My supervisor is away and so I am kind of left here panicking over how to ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How can pairwise correlation be calculated in SPSS? [closed]

I am curious to know if it is possible to calculate pairwise correlations in SPSS. Regrettably, I have been unable to locate the option in SPSS, possibly due to insufficient information. If it is ...
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2 answers

How to correct standard errors for heterogeneity and intra-group correlation?

I got my article manuscript back from review and one notion from a reviewer was that in my analyses "[s]tandard errors are not corrected for heterogeneity or intra-group correlation", s/he apparently ...
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Is this suitable for Negative Binomial Regression?

I am using SPSS to run a negative binomial regression for my research project. My dependent variable is 'Number of Days Went to the Gym' in a week, and my independent variable is income (along with a ...
5 votes
1 answer

SPSS R^2 for Negative Binomial

I am running a negative binomial regression in SPSS and wondered if there is any way to display R^2 statistics, as would be the case if binary/linear regression was conducted?
1 vote
1 answer

How does one interpret results from an ordinal regression analysis in SPSS?

Let's say I perform an ordinal regression analysis and I use 15 predictor variables of which 5 have turned out to be significant but each predictor has different levels as I have used ordinal ...
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1 answer

Checking PH assumption for a time dependent (T_COV) variable in a Cox PH-regression: with or without the original covariate in the regression?

I am performing a cox proportional hazard regression on survival, in a sample in which almost everyone dies in the follow up period. I have little knowledge on statistics in general but i am reading ...
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1 answer

SPSS: GLMM and(adjusted) odds ratio

I am performing a retrospective study and the relative statistic analysis. I am studying the the risk factors for the occurrence of complications during medical procedures. I have 50 subjects ...
4 votes
1 answer

Testing anova hypothesis with contrasts in R and SPSS

Using data and answers from this question I was trying to test the hypothesis $H_0:-3\mu_1-\mu_2+\mu_3+3\mu_4=0$ ...
2 votes
2 answers

Trouble with imputed data set

1) I had a dataset with missing data for baseline variables and outcome variables. Through multiple imputation in SPSS (10 imputations, 50 iterations, PMM for scale variables) I imputed the missing ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can a ROC AUC curve look like this?

What are the possible shapes of an ROC curve? Is it necessary for an ROC curve to be shaped like a normal distribution curve? Can we regard the following two curves as ROC with the area under the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Testing Assumption of Linearity for Multinominal Logistic Regression

I have a nominal DV (0 through 3). IVs are all continuous. I'm trying to test the linearity assumption, however I can't run the logistic regression function in SPSS with the LN IV variables because of ...
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0 answers

Significant index of moderated mediation but no significant interactions of moderators

I ran Hayes process Macro 8 in SPSS. In my results below, you'll see the index of moderated mediation is significant; however neither of the interactions in this model are significant. Model is below. ...
1 vote
0 answers

SPSS computation of the 2-sided bootstrap p-value

In the SPSS Statistics Algorithm Manual Version 29 (p.132 in the pdf) the computation of the two-sided p-value for the bootstrap procedure is described as follows: Sadly, because of different RNGs, I ...
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1 answer

Log-Linear Output Help

I ran a loglinear model with 3 variables. Internet Use (Y/N), Nervous Breakdown(Y/N), and Happiness (3 levels). I understand by two way interactions are significant, but I am getting lost trying to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reverse coding items: missing data + factor analysis

I have a dataset that includes a number of variables that need to be reverse coded. I have already completed my missing data analysis, however, I did not reverse code the items prior to replacing the ...
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An contradictory negative edge

Recently I have conducted a experiment exploring the relationship between stress and mind wandering (MW). When I analyzed the data via SPSS, I found an unexpected negative edge between two variables. ...
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1 answer

When is it appropriate to report the results of a within-subjects contrasts table of a repeated measures ANOVA?

I've just run a repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS, with one 3-level within-subjects variable, and one 3-level between-subjects variable. Is it correct to assume that one should be reporting the main ...
2 votes
1 answer

Bayesian SEM in AMOS - suggest resources?

I'm looking for resources regarding Bayesian SEM estimation using AMOS built-in procedures (I have ordered categorical data). Google gives some basic resources on ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to do Intraclass correlations & Within-group reliability in SPSS?

Friends, My sincere apologies if this question has been posted earlier. I am looking for help in terms of how to do Intraclass Correlations and find out how to do within group reality in SPSS. I am ...
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1 answer

Tests of within subjects contrasts in R

I have run a split splot model in SPSS (via repeated measures function) and I would like to reproduce my results using R. To do so I used ezANOVA function from ez package to obtain sphericity tests ...
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1 answer

Identifying an outlier nominal group different than the norm, based on an ordinal dependent variable

As part of my graduate thesis, I've measured the satisfaction levels of a couple hundred respondents across 7 districts of a city about a local public service, using a 4-point ordinal Likert scale (...
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1 answer

SPSS regression imputation

I have a dataset of 45 observations (participants), with variables on demographic data and standardized tests. Two standardized test variables are such that they have missing values on only one ...
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1 answer

Ordinal Logistic Regression in SPSS

This is my first time conducting an ordinal logistic regression on SPSS, and I want to check for the assumptions. Assumption 1: My dependent variable is indeed ordinal. My variable is anxiety symptom ...
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1 answer

In a repeated measures ANOVA, is the pairwise comparison result still valid if sphericity is not assumed?

For the pairwise comparison, the p value is less than 0.001. However, the p value for Mauchly's test of sphericity is also <0.001. I believe that SPSS automatically applies the Greenhouse-Geisser ...
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0 answers

Principal components analysis missing data SPSS

I have a large data set (27k) There are 63 variables of interest. I attempted PCA as a dimensionality reduction strategy. The items are scored on different metrics ranging from dichotomous variables ...
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0 answers

How to statistically describe the right answer of a multiple choice question?

Participants need to identify the right strategy of several storyboards through a multtiple choice questions (7 possible answers). I collected 130 answers and now I want to show the significance that ...
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0 answers

How to generate significant level for the following data (Fisher exact)

I have a categorical data that I don't know how to generate the significant level. Row = Group A and Group B; Column = Unchanged, upgrade, downgrade (From left to right) 7 6 4 4 0 6 I tried to run ...
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1 answer

Hayes's PROCESS Multicategorical IV

I conduct an experimental research which contains 8 conditions (8 different types of fruits, 1=apple, 2=orange, 3=watermelon, 4=banana, 5=strawberry, 6=lemon, 7=pineapple, 8=grape) and use SPSS ...
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Power analysis for serial multiple mediation

Does anyone have suggested methods for running a power analysis for a serial multiple mediation model? I am running the model in SPSS with the PROCESS macro. G*power does not appear to have the ...
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0 answers

False negative B coefficient following multiple linear regression? [duplicate]

I'm running a linear regression in SPSS to test for effects of a binary variable (X) on cost of hospital admission. The variable is correlated with a cost increase of around $3000W When the model has ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to properly interpret adjusted residuals in crosstabs with chi-squares larger than 2x2?

I would greatly appreciate an easy-to-understand answer. To my understanding, if the adjusted residual is +/- 1.96 or more (or less if negative), then something is going on. What exactly does the ...
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Kruskal-Wallis Grouping factors?

I am writing a report looking at human sexual selection and how there is a difference in the preferred age of potential mate between sexes. I collected 104 lonely hearts advertisements and organised ...
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1 answer

Mixed factorial analysis in R

I have data that looks like this: Here the first column is a factor with 2 levels (0 and 1) that represents whether a person played 2d game first or 3d game first (basically order of play). The last ...
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1 answer

Is partial correlation analysis in spss reasonable

I had two continuous variables, neither of which were in line with normal distribution. spearman correlation analysis found moderate positive correlation (r=0.597). Then ...
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1 answer

PROCESS macro for SPSS - output includes values of the DV which are outside of scale range

I'm running a moderated moderation model (model 3 of PROCESS macro for SPSS) in order to explore a three-way interaction, with one independent variable, one dependent variable, and two moderators. I'm ...
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1 answer

Analysis of complex survey data with more than one sampling design

I am trying to conduct an analysis of complex survey data from The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) using either the R "survey" package or SPSS Complex Samples. The ...
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1 answer

How to summarise ANOVA post-hoc Tukey test?

I am having trouble to interpret tukey's post hoc result from the following They incorporated post-hoc test results into a table using the 𝑎≤𝑏<𝑐 style notation (𝑎,𝑏,𝑐,... correspond to ...
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1 answer

Ordinal independent variable (IV) and continuous dependent variable (DV)

My independent variable is measured on a likert scale (1–5). My moderator is dichonomous (yes or no) I want to use SPSS process macro to measure the moderation relationship. Should I use a dependent ...
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1 answer

Descriptive statistics for 2 variables grouped by gender with spss

I have 3 variables one categorical gender and the others are the IQBefore and IQAfter which ...
2 votes
1 answer

Ordinal regression, multinomial regression or linear regression with dummy variables?

I am conducting a study looking at the quality of clinical trials. I am trying to find out what factors are predictors of the methodological quality of the trials. My dependent variable is a score ...

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