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Interaction effect in logistic regression

I have applied logit model, where my dependent variable is Emp (Employment) 1 if employed otherwise 0, and used level of education and Health status as independent variables where: Education consist 6 ...
Salim Khan's user avatar
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Understand Johnson Neyman-plot in regard to significant regression terms

I'm modelling the relationship between several parameters like humidity, temperature, ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do you get confidence intervals for interactions of variables?

Suppose I am building an OLS model with the following specification: $$y = \alpha + \beta_0x_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_0x_1 + \epsilon$$ The variable $x_1$ is continuous and $x_0$ is binary. When $x_0$...
badmax's user avatar
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Does a significant interaction necessarily implies that at least one of the simple effects will be significant?

Considering that the interaction between two variables is significant, is it always the case that at least one of the two simple effects will be significant? If so, is there any proof or a counter ...
mat's user avatar
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Total effect of main variable and it's interaction with dummy

I am going to estimate the following model: y=constant+b1(X)+b2(X)(Dummy) We have daily data from 1990 to 2000. Dummy variable is equal to one for the daily data of year 2000, else zero. b1 is the ...
Mac8444's user avatar
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How to determine economic significance of an interaction term of two continuous variables in an OLS regression? [closed]

Y= Intercept+ Beta1X1+ Beta2X2+ Beta3(X1X2)** I want to determine the economic significance of Beta3 when Y, X1, and X2 are continuous variables, preferably in terms of standard deviation units. Is ...
Abhinav Sharma's user avatar
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Comparing empirical distributions with an interaction effect

My experiment includes two subject groups: group1 and group2. Both groups undergo a behavioral test, the result of which is called “movement celerity” (this is my dependent variable). Both groups are ...
Michaël's user avatar
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Statistical illusion? What's statistically happening, when regression analysis results get significant only with all predictors and interaction term?

I got a research question, where the hypothesis (derived from theory) postulates, that the relationship between predictor X and outcome Y is moderated by W (X+W+X*W -> Y). All variables are sums of ...
Madamadam's user avatar
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Regression interaction terms in stata

I am currently studying the relationship between having a supervisory job and having traditional values when it comes to child care (woman staying home). I want to find the relationship with ...
Sabine's user avatar
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How to Describe Interaction Between Variables

Say I have two demographic variables, job$\in{j_1, j_2}$ and lives$\_$alone$\in${YES, NO}. I also have N books $B_1$, $\ldots$, $B_N$, each labelled with a genre that I know in advance, out of {...
hyperio's user avatar
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9 votes
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p-values change after mean centering with interaction terms. How to test for significance?

I assumed the following interaction model: $$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_3 + \beta_4 x_2 x_3$$ And then applied mean centering: $$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1 - \bar{x_1}) + \...
Eric Kim's user avatar
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Interpret Interaction Effects in Negative Binomial Regression

I have two questions regarding the interpretation of interaction effects in a negative binomial regression model. The model uses the number of people arriving at a hotel per hour as the dependent ...
Daniël Lutjens's user avatar
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Which effects and which interactions are significant?

I'm performing an experiment with five main effects resp. 6-7 since these main effects influences are studied on 20 sensors (which can be grouped into 3 ...
Ben's user avatar
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Mixed models: No significant interaction - post-hoc analysis?

I have a more or less general question about the logic of post-hoc-tests: I did a mixed linear model on the effect of a treatment on well-being. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two treatment ...
Tomaham's user avatar
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Graph and statistics multiple regression show different things

I’ve run a multiple regression to find out if visual memory declines differenty for the autism group than for the controlgroup. I did find a significant main effect of age, showing that with ...
Leyla Rana's user avatar
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T-test and ANOVA suggesting different results?

I'd like to start off by saying I am very much a beginner to statistical analyses, so I might be missing some key ideas here. Context: My study involves an experimental group and control group that ...
user268639's user avatar
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Determine statistical difference of slopes of quadratic relationship in a Poisson regression

I'm looking for a statistical or mathematical way to test the difference between two slopes. Others have asked related questions but my problem is quite particular. I'm running a Poisson regression ...
SJDS's user avatar
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Interaction term is significant WITHOUT main affects... AND main effects are significant WITHOUT interaction term?

I am trying to determine the effect of a person's weight and the incline that they are running over on their running speed. I'm just using a simple linear model in R, but I get a weird situation where ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Nonsignificant interaction? [closed]

So, consider a model with variables a, b, and the interaction of a and b. The interaction is not significant. I understand that you can interpret a as the effect of a when b=0 and I can recenter ...
Nw2this's user avatar
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interpretation of interaction effects in a Cox-regression

I am attempting to interpret results of my R output, especially interaction effects. My analysis includes several models (2 of them shown below), at which I always have a metric Variable (in the ...
heyho's user avatar
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Can I use a t-test to follow-up on a non-significant interaction in an ANCOVA?

I have an experiment that compares the impacts on students' learning (as measured by their performance on a pre and posttest) of two versions of a classroom intervention: D and R. I did an ANCOVA ...
Figuring it Out's user avatar
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how to interpret if the coefficients of two predictors are positive,the coefficient of the interaction term is negative? [duplicate]

I have a multiple regression model.The predictors A,B,AB are all significant. But the coefficients of A and B are positive while the coefficient of AB is negative. How to interpret it? (A ranges from -...
Y.Z's user avatar
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Significance of the sum of the main effect and interaction term

Consider a simple linear regression with an interaction term: $Y=b_0 + b_1X +b_2Z+b_3XZ$ where $X$ is continuous and $Z$ is a dummy. I want to find out whether $X$ has a significant impact on $Y$ ...
user6441253's user avatar
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Different significance in GLMM interactions

I am confused about different significance results obtained in GLMM's. First, my set of relevant variables: ...
mto23's user avatar
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Main effect insignificant: should I estimate an interaction with it?

As the title reveals, does it make sense to estimate an interaction when you already see that a main effect is insignificantly different from 0 in regression? In my study I am actually interested in ...
Amonet's user avatar
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Test significance of combined interaction coefficients

Is there a way to test the significance of combined (interaction) coefficients in R? I have a panel regression model of the following (simplified) form: yi,t = b0 + b1xi,t + b2xi,t*phase_1t+ b3xi,...
D. Beck's user avatar
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What is the correct parameter range to choose when conducting a sensitivity analysis?

When conducting a (variance-based) sensitivity analysis, should I set the range of a specific parameter to its maximum allowable range, or restrict it to something more appropriate for my specific ...
Kievit's user avatar
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How to test if an interaction is significant: interaction terms or model comparison?

I ask the question based on a current case, but I would really appreciate a general answer, because it has been bugging me for some time: I'm running regressions with interaction effects. How do I ...
Ranjit Singh's user avatar
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Simple Slopes: significance testing

Can somebody explain me how to test whether simple slopes are significant? ...and is it necessary to test the significance of the simple slopes or would it be sufficient to plot the slopes and ...
Anna's user avatar
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Simple moderation in PROCESS: What does it mean if the interaction is not significant but some of the conditional effect of X on Y are significant?

I have conducted a simple moderation analysis in SPSS using the PROCESS macro and I've found that the interaction XM is not significative (p=0.87), but almost all three conditional effects of X on Y ...
Inakigil's user avatar
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Ceiling effect in mediation AND/OR moderation

I have a variable (Y) with a mean that is probably too high. (and large prop of participants scoring the maximum score) My hypothesis was that X-Y is stronger at high (vs. low) levels of the ...
llbia's user avatar
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Interpreting insignificant 3 way-interaction alongside significant 2-way interaction

Let's say we have a situation like this - we are predicting y with one continuous (cont) and 2 categorical predictors (A and B). A and B have only two levels - 1 and 0, and reference is 0 $y\sim cont+...
User33268's user avatar
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Test for significance of difference of ratios across subpopulations

I am working in a setup with two binary independent variables. One is experimental, $T$: treated vs. not treated. The other is a feature $F$ that I expect affects how strongly treatment affects ...
reo katoa's user avatar
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4-way mixed ANOVA

I've conducted a 4 way mixed ANOVA with 3 within-subject variables: A,B and C, and one between subject variable: D. There is a significant interaction between A, B and C. Neither of the interactions ...
Marsyliaq's user avatar
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Non parametric to compare 2 interventions with repeated measurements

my experiment is a cross-over randomized trial with 2 conditions (A-B), and repeated measures at baseline and 5 follow-up measurements (time). I hypothesized that 2 physical drills (A-B) would induce ...
gcim82's user avatar
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Checking significance of variable within each category in regression

I have data with 3 columns: y represents dependent continuous variable, xcont represents independent continuous variable, ...
user3349993's user avatar
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How to estimate significance based on a level of categorical variable

I have data with 3 columns: y represents dependent continuous variable, xcont represents independent continuous variable, ...
user3349993's user avatar
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Can interaction be statistically significant while only one of two main effect are significant?

Can interaction be statistically significant while only one of two main effect are significant? I specifically want to know if I can report statistically significant interaction in a regression when ...
Rightia Rollmann's user avatar
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When is it appropriate to report interactions?

I have two categorical variables, A and B. Each categorical variable has three levels(0,1,2). There is a certain dependent variable P against which I make a plot ...
boY's user avatar
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Significance in simple regression but not multiple regression

Background: I am trying to show an increase in a number of variables over time, so initially I ran a simple linear regression. However, I subsetted the data so ...
Danib90's user avatar
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Statistically significant interpretation

I'm looking for confirmation on my understanding of a 'statistically significant' effect. For example, let's say that eating apples has a statistically significant positive effect on health (given ...
Alex Petralia's user avatar
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How to determine net effect in OLS?

Let's say I have the following model: y = int + x1 + x2 + x3 + x1*x2 + e x1 and x2 are binary indicators while x3 is continous. The estimation of this model is as ...
user4951834's user avatar
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Is it ok to repeat MANCOVA until all interactions are significant

In order to enlighten the relation of three (related) scales describing psychopathology (1 anxiety score and 2 shame scores) with demographic data (gender, place of residence, age etc) collected by ...
Epameinondas's user avatar
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How to test significant interaction effect

If I have a model, lets say y = a + b1male + b2large + b3medium + b4malelarge + b5malemedium where male is dummy coded 1 for male and 0 for female and large and female are dummies (also 0,1 coded) for ...
user124000's user avatar
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Moderator and Independent variable Interaction terms non-significant

I have fitted a regression model on my mean-centered variables. Every regression coefficient is significantly different from zero but the interaction terms created by multiplying the independent ...
Edison's user avatar
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Interpretation of interaction variable when base variable is insignificant

I am investigating the effect of Indian service imports on U.S. service employment, using a balanced panel data set. The employment data are state-level for 5 different business service sectors. In ...
Tom Regt's user avatar
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Significant interaction but non-significant simple slopes

I conducted a multiple regression analyses that included an interaction term (continuous x continuous). The interaction term was significant, but none of the simple slopes (1 SD above the mean, at the ...
ApprenticeJunior's user avatar
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What can we learn from the confidence interval of an interaction plot?

Take the following interaction plot with 95% confidence interval. The CIs do overlap in some region, do not in others. What can conclude with this information? Can we claim whether the interaction ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
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Surprise: Why is my factor not significant?

I am analysing the performance of a large population in exams using a binary (pass / fail) outcome. In the majority of exams, women out-perform men. However, when gender is included with other factors ...
Simon's user avatar
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Logistic regression: my main effects lose significance when I add my interaction effects. Why?

I have a dichotomous dependent variable for a 2x3 experiment. There are about 30 observations in each cell, for a total sample size of about 180. Each person was only in one cell. The dependent ...
Jill's user avatar
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