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13 votes
1 answer

The main effect will be non-significant if the interaction is significant? [duplicate]

I am using linear mixed models to identify important factors, and it turns out that: A: significant B: not significant ...
user3288202's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to interpret the significant interaction of two non-significant main predictors?

I have two non-significant main binary variables in my binary logistic regression model, but their interaction is significant. The variables are centered and no multicollinearity is the case (all VIFs ...
Vic's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Comparing models with main effects and interactions

I have two models: Model 1: Only contains independent variable $x$, while $x$ is non-significant. Model 2: Contains $x$, $m$, and $x * m$, and $x * m$ is significant. How could I illustrate this ...
david's user avatar
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Significant interaction but non-significant simple slopes

I conducted a multiple regression analyses that included an interaction term (continuous x continuous). The interaction term was significant, but none of the simple slopes (1 SD above the mean, at the ...
ApprenticeJunior's user avatar
3 votes
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How to test if an interaction is significant: interaction terms or model comparison?

I ask the question based on a current case, but I would really appreciate a general answer, because it has been bugging me for some time: I'm running regressions with interaction effects. How do I ...
Ranjit Singh's user avatar
6 votes
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How do you get confidence intervals for interactions of variables?

Suppose I am building an OLS model with the following specification: $$y = \alpha + \beta_0x_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_0x_1 + \epsilon$$ The variable $x_1$ is continuous and $x_0$ is binary. When $x_0$...
badmax's user avatar
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5 votes
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Significance in simple regression but not multiple regression

Background: I am trying to show an increase in a number of variables over time, so initially I ran a simple linear regression. However, I subsetted the data so ...
Danib90's user avatar
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2 answers

Graphing versus further testing interactions

Following the question here, I have come across different (textbook) recommendations. Some authors suggest that the effect of the moderating variable is best understood in a graphic form. Others ...
Adhesh Josh's user avatar
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Compare conditional effects (simple slope) from regression model

I have the following regression outputs from a model that includes both quadratic and cubic interaction terms. I calculated the simple slopes using the simle_slope from reghelper. ...
zjppdozen's user avatar
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0 votes
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One of the main effects not significant, but interaction term significant

A is significant B is not significant A x B is significant Do I say that (1) There exists a ...
nerd's user avatar
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