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Testing whether means of several gamma distributions are equal?

I have conducted measurements on bubble sizes on 20 positions in the same foam, each of the 20 positions following a gamma distribution. From the boxplot the mean values appear very similar... Now I ...
Iben Hansen's user avatar
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Calculating Tukey HSD for a subset of comparisons - can I do this?

A colleague has about 50 samples, each with 2 conditions (treated and non-treated). The data is continuous and normal, and there are 3 data points in each sample-treatment combination. They'd like to ...
R Greg Stacey's user avatar
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Identify outlier in a group with a test statistic

I am trying to identify the outliers from a group for a research article. I wanted to know if there was a formal statistical method of doing so. Here is an example of the data: There are 500 students ...
drdeezy's user avatar
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Statistical question about ANOVA, Tukey and t-test (also R-related)

I am new to statistics and have to do some analysing for a beginner project. However, I am so confused right now and have nobody that I can ask. About the project experiment: We conducted a between-...
a.henrietty's user avatar