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test & train for very very small data

I have just 25 observations. I'm not sure would it possible to test & train the data. For example 15 observations for train and 10 observations for test set. 15 observations is so small for ...
Leila ali's user avatar
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Using a model to evaluate over or under-priced rental prices for the same apartments used in training

If I have a machine learning model which predicts the rental prices of apartments, can I use the model once complete to analyse the prediction for the same apartments I used to train the model so I ...
AWGIS's user avatar
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How to create representative training, validation, and test sets when working with time series data?

In my application, I am working with a relatively long time series of daily market index percentage returns (many years) and am trying to model the dependence structure of the returns from a pure time ...
QMath's user avatar
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Can this approach be used for machine learning using train-test split?

So let's say I have a dataset with 1000 samples, 20 cols. Regression problem. I use train-test split, say 80-20% I create a Model, lets say Random Forest. I use gridsearchCV to find the best model ...
Sharan Shetty's user avatar
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Train-test split within modeling function

I have this function I wrote: ...
Igor9094's user avatar
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Running model on full dataset or just test set?

I'm new to using XGBoost and I'm confused about how we should obtain the XGBoost predicted values for each data point. For example, the process for fitting and evaluating an XGBoost model is: ...
codemachino's user avatar
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I've already used my entire dataset in a regression, should I not use that as a prediction model?

At the hospital I work at we were writing a paper on what variables about a patient predict whether they'll return for a follow-up visit. We included variables such as age, gender, distance from ...
Joe Crozier's user avatar