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How do you train-test split an imbalanced dataset?

I have an imbalanced dataset and I'm trying to predict a binary target. The minority class amounts to approximately 0.4% of all observations (60 million observations from which 250K belong to the ...
Arturo Sbr's user avatar
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CV score vastly different from Train-Test score

I'm working on a multi-class classification task. I'm currently trying to tune a LGB model but have encountered a behavior that I do not understand. First, my data is from 1996 to 2015 so I split my ...
jauyjad's user avatar
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few images in validation and test set

I've a dataset with about 123 images (two categories, 19 defect and 104 no defect). I've to implement a classifier so I've decided to split my data in train (70% of all data), validation (20% of all ...
lorenzlorg's user avatar
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How do I perform a train-validation split on data with class imbalance such that the class imbalance ratio is preserved?

My data has class imbalance-- that is, some classes have significantly fewer training samples than the others. I want to perform a train-validation split in such as way that the class ratios are ...
skinnybb's user avatar