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Questions tagged [transformers]

Transformers are part of a deep learning model family using the attention mechanism to learn how to make prediction over sequential data without the need for recursion.

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How should I input and output feature and target timeseries to timeseries transformer

I am trying out PatchTST timeseries transformer (paper, code) on a timeseries data that I have. The way PatchTST handles data is as follows: Note that on line 78-79, the repo does following: ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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How to reduce prediction error in a long-term time series prediction

In this project, I aim to predict a missing segment of 100,000 points in the middle of a sequence using a total of 100,000 points before and after the gap. I have already tried polynomial fitting and ...
Andsged's user avatar
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Is there a way to 'infuse' model so transformer pruning didn't have to start from scratch?

Transformers are infamous for it's massive resources need to perform an impressive feat in NLP and currently also in image processing especially image segmentation. There is a trick called soft-token ...
Dean Debrio's user avatar
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the attention map fades - is this normal?

I’m currently working on building a Vision Transformer (ViT), and so far, things seem to be going well — low loss values, high accuracy. However, when I visualized the attention maps, I noticed that ...
DL-Newbie's user avatar
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Transformers Operations Order [duplicate]

What is better ? A) add attention, then add FFN. So I think that today's version of Transformers force the FFN to correct the Attention impacte and to do the FFN work. Maybe it's intended, but I ...
K V's user avatar
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Regression on SQL query texts. Good ML model architecture

Fast regression on SQL queries. Good ML model architecture. Our goal is to predict which SQL engine (there are 2 currently) will be faster to execute a given query. The input is the query text and in ...
Ark-kun's user avatar
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Attention, FFN Add&Norm Order

The actual structure Add to X Attention, then FFN. I my structure on the right image, only the tiny $ \delta e$ generated by the FFN is added to ...
K V's user avatar
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How are the inputs fed into the decoder-only transformers during inference?

In decoder-only transformers for token prediction, I understand that during training, a whole sequence can be fed into the transformer and processes though layers. But during inference (when we want ...
Daniel Mendoza's user avatar
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Measuring statistical difference across two distributions of attention scores

For a study I'm conducting, I have two distributions of attention scores generated via a trained transformer model. I'm plotting the two distributions and I would like to run a statistical test to ...
James Arten's user avatar
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Got numerical difference between two implementations

I've been working around RetNet (Paper:, PyTorch implementation: I rewrote the some of the code with TensorFlow: ...
UndefinedCpp's user avatar
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Transformer model conditional probability distribution of sub-sentences

I have a simple transformer model (decoder only) which is trained on some dataset containing sentences to do next-word prediction. The model captures a probability distribution $P_{\theta}(\mathbf{a})$...
JazzJammer's user avatar
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Why learn an embedding before self attention when training transformers?

I understand that self-attention layers learn the "role" of a word in a sentence while embedding layers learn the relationship between the words. But I am not totally convinced that a self-...
Nicolas Johnson's user avatar
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What advantage do sinusoidal positional encodings have over binary positional encodings in transformer LLMs?

I've recently come across an article that discusses the reasons why large language models use sinusoidal functions to generate positional encodings — as per the famous paper Attention Is All You Need (...
Philip Voinea's user avatar
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Where does the equation $ C = 6 \times N \times T $ come from for Large Language Models, especially with a simple explanation for both passes?

Why $ C = 6 \times N \times T $? I'm trying to understand the computational steps specifically during the backward pass of neural networks in relation to the widely cited formula ( C = 6 \times N \...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Classification of intervals in time series data of multiple instances

I have a problem that I am trying to frame. I have signal data from ECG (a classic signal over time data). A close example here: I am basically ...
PPenton's user avatar
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Transformer with just one input vector

I have a problem where I am mapping from 1D input sequences of length L to 1D output sequences, also of length L. These sequences contain numerical data. The input sequence is the time evolution of a ...
Blahblahblacksheep's user avatar
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Does a model learn the same attention scores when retrained?

As in the title, should I expect a model to learn almost the same attention scores in its attention layers when I train it? Perhaps only in the first one if there are multiple such layers? It feels ...
rick's user avatar
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Why are numbers tokenized and/or embedded before their input into transformers?

For all transformer models that are either trained for text tasks or specialized for time series or simple equation solving, they tokenize and embed numbers rather than using their raw representation. ...
Fine-Tuning's user avatar
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BERT eval loss increase while performance metrics also increase

I want to fine-tune BERT for Named Entity Recognition (NER). However, when fine-tuning over several epochs on different datasets I get a weird behaviour where the training loss decreases, eval loss ...
CodingSquirrel's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use attention mask for mean pooling for BERT?

I am working on a project involving the analysis of clinical texts using the "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" model from Hugging Face's transformers library. My goal is to extract ...
mutli-arm-bandit's user avatar
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Why the standard deviation of the BERT weight initialization is 0.02 by default

The purpose of weight initialization in the neural network is to keep the variance of calculation output in the layers to 1.0, and it depends on the calculations involved in the layers. Initializing ...
mon's user avatar
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Transformer model for series classification

the title more or less says it all. I want to use the transformers architecture, i.e. a transformer model, for series classification. I don’t want to predict time series, just to classify them. The ...
exch_cmmnt_memb's user avatar
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Dimension Mismatch in Transformer Decoder: What Are the Input and Output Dimensions?

My understanding is that in the decoder, the output of the masked self-attention mechanism is expected to have dimensions (o_len,d_model), where o_len is the current output length. However, an issue ...
ENing's user avatar
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block_size in transformers: does it dictate effective context length in LLMs?

I would like to understand how the block_size parameter in the huggingface transformers library works, particularly in comparison with model_max_length. I am interested in models being able to attend ...
Nucular's user avatar
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How does the model learn the weights and biases in a Transformer NN architecture? [duplicate]

In the transformer block between Input Embedding Matrix and Layer normalization, where the data is scaled to mean = 0, and std = 1. How does the NN learn weights and biases and applying them to the ...
kms's user avatar
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Why is there a residual connection around each attention layer followed by a layer normalization step in the in the decoder network? [closed]

I got the following question in a quiz, and it seems that my answer is not correct. I don't understand why: ...
Minions's user avatar
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Why do we mask input tokens for the decoder in a transformer? [closed]

I am currently trying to understand how the Transformer Architecture created by Vaswani et al. in 2017 works. Regarding this I have problems understanding the training process of the decoder. If the ...
dukegin's user avatar
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What embeddings are used in decoder-only models like GPT?

Decoder-only models do not use an encoder. Hence, they do not get the embedding from it. I went through this nice description of a decoder-only transformer -based model I do understand the training ...
tintin98's user avatar
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Transformers: Cross Attention Tensor Shapes During Inference Mode

Using the "classic" transformer model describing in "Attention is All You Need", I'm struggling to understand how the Encoder output is used by the Decoder during cross attention ...
NickBraunagel's user avatar
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What are the layer normalization dimensions in transformer?

In transformer training, the activations have three dimensions: batch, feature (i.e. embedding) and time (i.e. token). Layer normalization is applied, calculating statistics (mean, standard deviation) ...
Denziloe's user avatar
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Aren't layer normalizations on ViTs acting just like batch normalization? [duplicate]

I was checking some ViTs implentation like this. And, as Layernorm (LN) are assigned by channels like ln1 = nn.LayerNorm(768), and the data input of this layer has ...
Rafael Toledo's user avatar
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Contrast Self attention and Attention in machine learning for non technical person?

How would you contrast Self attention and Attention in machine learning for a non technical person? I really like this explanation of Attention from Chatgpt: When someone speaks to you, you naturally ...
Katsu's user avatar
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Time Series Classification using Transformer Encoder

Lets say I have a collection of tensors, each tensor representing a time series with 64 points and 4 features. The dimension of each tensor would be [64,4]. I am trying to classify these series. For ...
Zohaib Hamdule's user avatar
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Embeddings/tokenizers for a transformer with binary-valued data

I'm trying to train an encoder-decoder transformer model for completion of binary-valued data. The each input is basically a length-n bitstring $x = (x_1, \dots, x_n) \in \{0,1\}^n$, generated ...
forky40's user avatar
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Difference between multi-head and single-head attention

Attention, as long as gradient calculations care, is two nested tensor multiplications and a softmax. I thought that, then, multi-head attention with $h=8$ and $d_k=64$ results in the same tensor with ...
tolgarecep's user avatar
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Classification in BERT - why not use class as a feature?

I am currently following this post, which details how BERT was trained. I had a few questions about the classification task: In the post, it mentions that the authors of BERT decided to add ...
Victor M's user avatar
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Why not use input padding in the first attention block in transformer decoder

I was studying the transformer decoder code below in Keras/Tensorflow. It was not clear how they made making decisions. In the first attention block below (self.attention_1), why did they use ...
Chika's user avatar
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How is metadata represented in sentiment analysis?

There are papers on semantic analysis using metadata such as "Sentiment Classification on Steam Reviews" ( and "Detecting ...
soravoid's user avatar
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Confusing GPT architecture diagram from the paper "Locating and Editing Factual Associations in GPT"

I am fairly new to Transformers thus this schema confuses me a lot. I am familiar with "classic" "vanilla" encoder-decoder transformers. I have figured out that GPT-like models are ...
user3187119's user avatar
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Machine learning model for matching records

I have an example, where I want to automate matching up records in two datasets. I'm wondering what kind of machine learning model would potentially be able to deal with this kind of issue. I'm ...
Björn's user avatar
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In transformer architecture, Why does Masked Self Attention layer uses additive masks not multiplicative mask?

We know that in transformer architecture, we first compute $Q,K$ and $V$ matrices from the token embeddings. Then we compute the attention weights $\alpha$ as $$\alpha = Softmax(QK^T)$$ In the case of ...
Arun prakash's user avatar
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How to determine EC2 instance type and memory for LLM inference endpoint [closed]

I am trying to estimate the costs required for hosting a fine tuned large language model for real time inference. There will be 100s of users querying the endpoint concurrently for multiple use cases ...
user3711946's user avatar
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Why the positional embeddings for different positions are not confined

for this formulas PE(pos,2i)=sin(pos/(10000^(2i/modelDimension))) and PE(pos,2i+1)=cos(pos/(10000^(2i/modelDimension))) we know <...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
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Is concatenating a single integer sufficient for encoding positional embeddings in transformer models?

In transformer models, positional embeddings are commonly used to encode the positional information of words in a sequence. While sinusoidal positional embeddings are often employed, I'm curious about ...
Glue's user avatar
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Why the positional embeddings for a specific position i, for each embedding element is different

for this formulas PE(pos,2i)=sin(pos/(10000^(2i/modelDimension))) and PE(pos,2i+1)=cos(pos/(10000^(2i/modelDimension))) we know <...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
4 votes
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Necessity of keys and queries in a decoder-only transformer model

when we compute self-attention in a decoder model, we compute, for an embedding $x$, the tensors $Q = W_Q x, K = W_K x, V = W_V x$. However, in the next step, we compute a dot product on the embedding ...
25laps's user avatar
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Why does ViTForMaskedImageModeling not construct the original image correctly?

I was trying to use masked image modeling in huggingface and I saw ViTForMaskedImageModeling in their documentation but I did not understand how it reconstructs the original image ...
floyd's user avatar
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Why can't we replace the multi-head attention layer in transformers by a single head with sigmoid function?

I know that the reason we use multi-head attention in transformers instead of only single head is to attend to different parts of the input instead of just only one part. In attention we use softmax ...
floyd's user avatar
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Effect of dK (key vector dimension) in transformers

Intuitively speaking, what's the impact of changing the $d_k$ (and $d_{kv}$) for transformers? My understanding is that each attention head is effectively a lower-dimensional projection of a higher-...
Anonymous Scientist's user avatar
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Why the Transformer model does not require negative sampling but word2vec does?

Both word2vec and transformer model compute a SOFTMAX function over the words/tokens on the output side. For word2vec models, negative sampling is used for computational reasons: Is negative sampling ...
CyberPlayerOne's user avatar