Questions tagged [two-step-estimation]

Models in which a complicated function of data is estimated in the first step, and plugged again into another estimation model of primary interest in the second step

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Excluding second-stage covariates from first stage

I have a question about the inclusion/exclusion of certain covariates in a 2SLS model. My concern is that my instrumental variable, Z, influences Y through two pathways: X1 and X2. If I am ...
Carl's user avatar
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Are these two estimated regression coefficient asymptotically equivalent? If not, which one is more efficient?

Suppose I have $Y=\beta_1X_1+\beta_2X_1X_2+g(X_2)+u$, where $E(u|X_1,X_2)=0$ and $S=g(X_2)+e$ with $E(e|X_2)=0$. I have a random sample $\{Y_i,X_{1i},X_{2i},S_i\}_{i=1}^n$. Suppose I first use a ...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Can I use the same regressors for Instrumental variables and the outcome variable?

I'm reading a research paper that uses an IV, they regress A, and B, to estimate C, then they use estimated C and actual B to regress on D an outcome variable. This seems to violate the only through ...
Ahhhhhhhhh's user avatar
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Two step maximum likelihood

Suppose I have a likelihood maximisation problem $$ \hat{\theta} = \max L_n(\theta;y) $$ where $\theta = [\theta_1, \theta_2, ...., \theta_k]^T$. What if I would estimate instead estimate the ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Control function bootstrapped standard errors

Using a control function approach allows to incorporate non-linear first-stage specifications. A problem when doing this approach is that the naive standard errors are too small since they do not ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Using a regression coefficient as independent variable

Two continuous variables, $Z$ and $X$, are measured at 60 time points during a week for a given person. At the end of the week, the persons value of a variable $Y$ is measured. This is repeated during ...
BenP's user avatar
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Two part model - using the output of first as feature to second?

I am working on a two-part model to predict a continuous target variable $Y$, given a feature set $F$. $Y$ is product of two continuous variables - $A$ and $B$, where $A \epsilon [0, 1]$ and $B \...
Karup's user avatar
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How can I derive OLS predicted error term ^ei as a function of ei?

First of all, I'd like to say that any kind of help would be really helpful, whether it's a hint or a good grad/undergrad book. Right now I'm working with Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and ...
K A's user avatar
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Two-Step Procedure to account for multicollinearity

Suppose the estimation equation is $$ y=\beta _{0}+\beta _{1}x_{1}+\beta _{2}x_{2}+\varepsilon $$ where $\varepsilon $ is a disturbance and $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ are highly correlated regressors. In a ...
Aristide Herve's user avatar
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Is there any example of 2-step predictive model?(i.e. classification model coupled with regression models for each subclass)

I have a large dataset with 10,000+ individuals and many many biological features (>5000). And I want to use these features to build a linear model (e.g. elastic net) to predict their clinical ...
Albert Ying's user avatar
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Hausman test fails to reject the H0 (and the instrument is not weak), should I still use the 2SLS based on knowledge that the variable is endogenous?

I have two questions. I am conducting the Hausman test to check the endogeneity of a variable. If the Hausman test fails to reject the null hypothesis, there is no difference between OLS (my reference ...
Fuca26's user avatar
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What is an initial consistent estimator and how do I find one?

When maximizing a likelihood function $L(\psi)$, the gradient-based optimization procedure is generally $$ \tag{5.1} \hat{\psi}_{r+1} = \hat{\psi}_{r} + \left| I^{*}(\hat{\psi}_{r}) \right|^{-1} D \...
Durden's user avatar
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What is the effect of an omitted variable in the first stage of an IV/2SLS

Background Let me start with the fact that I read, this post, this post and this post. These questions deal with omitting exogenous variables from the main equation in the first stage. My question is ...
Tom's user avatar
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Heckman selection model: probit selection & logit outcome

I have a situation where I think I need to use a Heckman selection model to correct for endogeneity. I am interested in studying the effect of firm's market entry mode on its performance. Factors that ...
Rnovice's user avatar
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2SLS or IV with a tobit distribution in the first stage

I would like to use a two stage least squares approach (2SLS), where the first stage would benefit from a Tobit specification. I cross posted this on stackoverflow because there might be quite some ...
Tom's user avatar
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Two part model - conditional expectation

I am working on a model to predict a continuous target variable $Y$, given a feature set $F$. $Y$ is product of two continuous variables - $A$ and $B$, where $A \epsilon [0, 1]$ and $B \epsilon (0, \...
Karup's user avatar
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Two step regression using group effects and DAG

Consider the following model $$y_i = \sigma_{c(i)} + \mathbf x_i^\top\beta + u^y_i $$ $$\sigma_{c} = z_c\lambda + \eta_c$$ where for all $i$ $$\mathbb E[u^y_i \lvert x_i] = 0$$ Data is given for a ...
Jesper for President's user avatar
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How to perform inference on inverse Mills ratio in Heckit estimation?

I want to estimate log(wages). Most wage estimations suffer from sample selection bias. So I used the two step heckit procedure to correct for it. The problem is that I get an insignificant inverse ...
MasterStudent1992's user avatar
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Using random intercepts in a multilevel model as dependent variables in a linear model

I have a mixed model with 3 levels: individual, city, and state, and so I get random intercepts for both cities and states. I understand that since cities are nested in their state, their intercepts ...
blueprint's user avatar
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How to Estimate Treatment Effects using Heckman two steps (Heckit)?

I need a help on how to find a treatment effects using Heckman two steps method (Heckit), I need to find ATE (Average treatment Effects), TT (Treatment on treated) and MTE. I tried to do a simulation ...
Edwin Gasso's user avatar
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Interaction Term in Fuzzy RD

I'm hoping someone can help me understand the intuition behind the interaction term in a fuzzy RD model. The setup is as follows: $x$ = rating variable with discontinuity at $x = k$ $D$ = dummy=1 if ...
bsauce's user avatar
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Goodnes of Fit Measure for Heckman Selection Model

I am working with a two-step heckman selection model. In the first step the selection occurs based on a probit model, in the second step the mean equation is fitted with a linear model where the ...
Michael L.'s user avatar
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Omitting a variable in IV estimation

I have an instrumental variable (IV) estimation where I use Z as an instrument for treatment D, to estimate a treatment effect of D on Y. After certain discussion, I find that there might be another ...
Badalyan's user avatar
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Fitting a fixed effect model to the residuals from a mixed effects model

In some statistical analyses (ie genetics), it may makes sense to perform a two-step regression analysis. In this analysis, the dependent variable is regressed against several independent variables. ...
Andrew Marderstein's user avatar
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Estimation of Covariance Matrix of Two-Sample-Two-Stage-Least-Squares Estimator

My model of interest is given by $Y_1 = X_1\beta + \epsilon_1$ with $Y_1\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1}$ , $X_1\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1}$ , $\beta\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\epsilon_1\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1}$. However, $X_1$ can ...
random_guy's user avatar
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Comparing experimental conditions with different explanatory variables

I have a five condition dataset where all conditions share variablespostscore,prescore, and ...
Andrew Olney's user avatar
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Generating variance estimates for Estimated Regression Models (EDV) (vwls)

I am trying to explain the expectation of university graduation among adolescents of a number of countries. My dependent variable is dichotomous, since they formulate their expectation in terms of ‘...
LOrtiz's user avatar
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heckman two step, a basic question

This is probably a very basic questions, but I cannot find a straight forward answer anywhere. I have a series of data were a selection method (like Heckman two-step) is necessary. Is it a basic ...
Jim Curry's user avatar
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unified estimation of discrete Markov Model

Background I have a multivariate dataset, say M x N, where M is the number of variables and N is the number of samples. Now, the pattern of dependencies between the M variables changes across the N ...
Nitin's user avatar
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What is this called?

We have several time series: $Y, X_1, X_2, X_3, ..., X_n$ The steps taken are: Regress $X_2, X_3, ..., X_n$ on $X_1$ to get residuals of each $X_{(>1)}$ Regress $Y$ on $X_1, r_{X_2}, r_{X_3}, ...,...
Kapocsi's user avatar
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Cluster analysis in SPSS

I started learning cluster analysis (using SPSS) and I need some help in a practical problem. Given the following variables: The respondents were asked to indicate the importance of the following ...
user25963's user avatar
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Hausman test for 2SLS vs 3SLS

Can we do a Hausman test for 2SLS vs 3SLS? I know that we can do a BP test for the cross-equation correlation of errors, but what should the null and alternative hypotheses of a Hausman test be?
OGC's user avatar
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How to combine heckman selection and binary endogenous variable in a two-step way?

I want to fit a probit model with a binary endogenous variable and heckman sample selection problem, it's something like ...
zlqs1985's user avatar
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tobit two-stage in R

I'm working with a dependent variable $y_i \in [0,1]$. I have a single endogenous explanatory variable $w_i \in [0, 1]$ with corresponding instrument $z_i \in \{0,1\}$. Suppose further that I have a ...
Bobak Digital's user avatar
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2-stage Heckman instrumental variable estimation

I am working on my thesis. My main regression model is the following: $Y=x_1*{\rm Payment}+x_2*{\rm Country}+x_3*{\rm Industry}...$ All independent variables are dummy / binary variables. In a next ...
maxt's user avatar
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Regression estimate of a non-negative variable

I have to estimate linear weight $\beta$ for regression $Y \sim \mathbf{X}$, where $Y$ are non-negative samples. If I perform vanilla regression (lets assume ridge regression) it will find $\beta$ ...
avi's user avatar
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Instrumental variable Tobit in R

I have a data generating process of the form: ...
RoyalTS's user avatar
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Heckman sample selection vs. OLS

If the mills ratio of a Heckman selection model (with/without exclusion restriction) is not significant, shall I prefer to estimate my model with OLS instead? Or is it better to use the estimates from ...
Steven's user avatar
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Question about inverse in a two-step estimator as a joint GMM-estimators approach

I'm reading Newey & McFadden - Large sample estimation and hypothesis testing (in the Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 4, 1994, page 2178). My model which I'm interested in has some former ...
Druss2k's user avatar
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First stage of TSLS and the matrix of instruments W

If we assume we have 2 equations and each equation contains the other dependent variable. $y_1 = \beta_0 + \beta_1 y_2 + \beta_2 z_1 + u_1$ $y_2 = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 y_1 + \alpha_2 z_2 + u_2$ For ...
Druss2k's user avatar
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Inverse Mills ratio after OLS

Short version of the question: Is it possible to create a dependent variable in the first step of the Heckman Selection model such that it is possible to obtain the values for the calculation of the ...
Rob123's user avatar
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About Identification in a 3 equation SEM

I got this example and I was wondering about a certain statement: $$ \begin{aligned} (I) \ y_1 &= \alpha_{12}y_2 + \alpha_{13}y_3 + \beta_{11}z_1 + u_1 \\ (II) \ y_2 &= \alpha_{21}y_1 + \...
Druss2k's user avatar
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How to correct for generated regressor bias?

Dear Stack Exchange heroes, For my thesis I am writing a paper on the financial crisis. In my model, I use two regressions, which look like this: $$CONF = α + β_1 DEF_t + β_2 DIV_t + β_3 INF_t + β_4 ...
Alexander Wolff's user avatar