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How to use ICC with given data

I have data with columns like this: ENTITY Avg_Score_1 N_obs_1 Avg_Score_2 N_obs_2 With sample values: 001 | 0.997 | 900 | 1.13 | 905 002 | 0.890 | 250 | 0.96 | 251 For about 1000 unique ENTITY values,...
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Equivalence between two expressions for autocorrelation

Have that $$ \text{Corr}(X_t,X_{t+h}) = \frac{\text{Cov}(X_t,X_{t+h})}{\sqrt{\text{Var}(X_t)\text{Var}(X_{t+h})}} $$ and $$ \rho(h) = \frac{\gamma_X(h)}{\gamma_X(0)}. $$ Those are both ways to express ...
eddie's user avatar
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Deriving a standard deviation of a random variable using correlated other random variables

Consider three random variables: $$u_1, u_2, u_3 \;\; with \;\; E[u_j]=0 \;\; and\;\; Var[u_j]=\sigma^2_j\;\;for\;\;j=1,2,3$$ Here, we know the values $\sigma_1,\;\sigma_2$ and $\rho_{13},\;\rho_{23}$...
MinChul Park's user avatar
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When would correlation between two variables not exist?

If we have two random variables $X$ and $Y$, then $\text{corr}(X,Y)=\dfrac{ \text{cov}(X,Y) }{ \sqrt{ \text{var}(X)\text{var}(Y) } }$. This correlation will not be defined if either variable has an ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do I calculate the weighted variance, $\sigma^2$, of a set of $N$ random variables considering their correlation $\rho$? [duplicate]

In a finance textbook of mine, there is an equation for calculating the variance $\sigma^2$ of a portfolio of two risky assets (i.e. random variables) $X$ and $Y$ by considering the correlation $\rho$ ...
javascript-scholar's user avatar
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R function to compute variance of average of correlated random variables

I want to calculate the variance of the average of n correlated variables. I found a formula for that in Borenstein et al. (2009) Introduction to Meta-Analysis. $$\operatorname{Var}\left(\frac{1}{m}\...
Dr Ljotsson's user avatar
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Let $X, Y$ be independent RVs given the variances and no means what is correlation coefficient of $X$ and $Z=2X+Y$?

Let $X, Y$ be independent RV given the variance and no means what is correlation coefficient of $X$ and $Z=2X+Y$? Given $var(X)=3, var(Y)=4$ and $\mathbf{E}[X]$ and $\mathbf{E}[Y]$ are not known, let $...
user8714896's user avatar
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Variance of the Product of Correlated Random Variables?

I would like to multiply two correlated random variables, but I'm getting a negative variance. Please point out where I'm wrong. Variable1 and ...
DataProphets's user avatar
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Finding correlation coefficient of $X$ and $XY$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent random variables with nonzero variances. I'm looking to find the correlation coefficient $\rho$ of $Z=XY$ and $X$ in terms of the means and variances of $X$ and $Y$, i.e....
raven's user avatar
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How do you interpret generalized variance?

Per Wiki, generalized variance is the determinant of a covariance matrix: I have heard that if the determinant is small, there is strong correlation ...
confused's user avatar
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What is the difference between covariance and correlation? [closed]

I am analysing stock returns and whether they move in the same or opposite directions across different regions, investment styles or company sizes. Which of the covariance or the correlation gives ...
dakofsta's user avatar
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Can I determine what the correlation matrix is if I have regression coefficients and standard errors?

I am trying to reverse engineer a manuscript and was wondering if I can get a correlation matrix or the covariance-variance matrix from values reported in a paper. Can I use the reported regression ...
JWH2006's user avatar
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Linear Mixed Effects Model Variances

Consider the following model: \begin{equation} Y_i = X_i\beta + Z_ib_i + \varepsilon_i, \end{equation} where $b_i \sim N(0, D)$, and $\varepsilon_i \sim N(0, R_i(\gamma))$. The variance of $Y_i$ ...
JLee's user avatar
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Variance of X-Y and X-Z when Z and Y are correlated

I have a hard time solving the following issue, so hopefully someone is willing to help. I believe I am almost there but just missing a single step. There are three random variables $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ ...
User33's user avatar
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Minimum variance of the mean for $n$ correlated random variables

If $X_1,\cdots,X_n$ all have the same variance equal to 1, then $0\leq \mbox{Var}[\bar{X}]\leq 1$ where $\bar{X}=(X_1 + \cdots + X_n)/n$. The upper bound is attained if $\mbox{Cov}[X_k,X_l]=1$ for all ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Intuitive understanding of variance of sum vs variance of difference

$\newcommand{\Var}{\operatorname{Var}}\newcommand{Cov}{\operatorname{Cov}}$Mathematically, $\Var(X + Y) = \Var(X) + \Var(Y) + 2\Cov(X,Y)$ and $\Var(X - Y) = \Var(X) + \Var(Y) - 2\Cov(X,Y)$ This ...
Hank Lin's user avatar
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Outlier and correlation

Hi, I have a question. The scatter plot doesn't show any type of correlation and there is an outlier. If the outlier was to be removed, would the correlation: Increase dramatically Increase ...
Jacoby's user avatar
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What is the covariance between X and Y, when $Y>0$ if $X<0$ and $Y<0$ if $X>0$?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two random variables, and $Y>0$ when $X<0$ and $Y<0$ when $X>0$, but can we conclude Cov$(X,Y)<0$? If the question only states $Y>0$ when $X<0$, then the ...
dynamic89's user avatar
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Why would we ever use Covariance over Correlation and Variance over Standard Deviation?

I am unable to understand the practical use of Covariance and Variance. In my understanding, Covariance and Correlation are both measures of how one variable changes with respect to another. The only ...
dev's user avatar
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Given the variance of sum and difference of two identically distributed random variables, how can I calculate the correlation of the variables?

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are two identically distributed random variables such that: \begin{eqnarray*} \sigma^2_{X+Y} = a \, (a \in \mathbb{R}) \\ \sigma^2_{X-Y} = b \, (b \in \mathbb{R}) \end{eqnarray*} ...
μnknown's user avatar
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Correlation.. covariance.. I am so lost

This monday I'll take my exam in Investment analyses. My teacher usually gives a matrix with covariances and beta's, which makes it easy to find Expected return/ Variance. He just posted some exam ...
Idontgetstatsplshelpme's user avatar
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Variance of a difference variable

I have a question I'm quite struggling with. $\newcommand{\Var}{{\rm Var}} \newcommand{\Cov}{{\rm Cov}}$ Let's say I have variable $x_1$, and I know that $x_2=x_1+d$, with $d$ being a random variable ...
idif's user avatar
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Understanding $\operatorname{Cov}(X,X) = \operatorname{Var}(X)$ intuitively

I just saw this question and the wonderful accepted answer in this forum. I was then triggered to try understanding intuitively why division of $S_xS_y$ is normalizing the covariance: $$\frac{\...
d_e's user avatar
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Expected value of a semi-partial correlation

Say I have 4 random variables. $X^{(1)}$ and $X^{(2)}$ are jointly multivariate normal with mean 0 and covariance $\Sigma_X$, and $Y^{(1)}$ and $Y^{(2)}$ are jointly multivariate normal with mean 0 ...
Ruben van Bergen's user avatar
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What's the relationship between covariance, shared variance, and common variance?

I've generally assumed that shared variance and common variance were the same thing. However, here it is written that "Common variance is the realm of total collinearity. On the other hand, the term "...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
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Covariance between ordinal variable and discrete variable

I have two variables $y$ and $p$. Since $p$ is a discrete variable (numeric vector) and $y$ is an ordinal variable (total time watching TV). ...
Bahgat Nassour's user avatar
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How to calculate correlation between two MLEs?

Let's say I have a dataset: $X_1, \ldots, X_n$ that follows some distribution $F(\theta)$. Assume that the MLE for $\theta$ does not have a closed form, so we must find it using numerical methods (...
Brian's user avatar
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What can be inferred from "covariance matrix of residuals" and "correlation matrix of residuals" after VAR?

I have this VAR: summary(VAR(V6CADModelSt45obs1D.df[,c(5,3,2,6,1,4)], p=5, type="none", ic="SC")) The following is the result of this VAR: <...
Erdogan CEVHER's user avatar
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Covariance greater than Variance?

It is straightforward to verify that for two random variables $X$ and $Y$ with variances $\sigma^2_X \neq \sigma^2_Y$, we have that $$\Big|{\rm Cov}(X, Y)\Big| \leq \max\{\sigma^2_X,\, \sigma^2_Y\}$$ ...
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Understanding COVARIANCE when using same scale

Assuming that an experiment has 3 variables. Time, Temperature inside, Temperature outside. Also, considering that both the temperatures are measured using the same scale say Degree Celsius. If the ...
Vijay Rajanna's user avatar
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Correlation coefficient: If $\rho = 0$, then $r$ is normally distributed with mean 0. Why?

From this source, the estimation of the coefficient of correlation is $$r = \frac{\Sigma (X_i-E[X])(Y_i-E[Y])}{\sqrt { \Sigma (X_i-E[X])^2 \Sigma (Y_i - E[Y])^2}}$$ If the coefficient correlation is ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Standard Error of a linear regression

As defined here, the estimation of the coefficient of correlation is $$r = \frac{\Sigma (X_i-E[X])(Y_i-E[Y])}{\sqrt { \Sigma (X_i-E[X])^2 \Sigma (Y_i - E[Y])^2}}$$ and the standard error of $r$ is $...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Why does $r^2$ between two variables represent proportion of shared variance?

Firstly, I appreciate that discussions about $r^2$ generally provoke explanations about $R^2$ (i.e., the coefficient of determination in regression). The problem I'm seeking to answer is generalizing ...
Sue Doh Nimh's user avatar
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If three random variables have the same variance, what will the co-variances look like?

I'm curious to know, if three random variables have the same variance, what will the co-variances look like? Can somebody help me to figure it out?
user2806363's user avatar
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Finding correlation coefficient

if I have A and B with the following known variables: with $E[A]$, $E[B]$ , $\sigma_{A}$ , $\sigma_B$ and correlation coefficient: $\rho_{AB}$ (assign numbers if you like) Say: $C=0.6A+0.4B$ Then ...
user20237's user avatar
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Covariance of a variable and a linear combination of other variables

Let $X,A,B,C,D$ be time-series variables and the covariance between any two pairs of these are known. Suppose we want to find $\textrm{cov}(X,aA + bB + cC + dD)$, where $a,b,c,d$ are constants. Is ...
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