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13 votes
3 answers

What does it mean for observations to be uncorrelated and have constant variance?

I am learning about linear regression from the textbook Elements of Statistical Learning by Friedman, Tibshirani, and Hastie. In this section they suppose we have a set of training data $(x_1, y_1), \...
CBBAM's user avatar
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How can I reduce correlation between two independents variable?

Edvard, the evaluator in sample B, does not know Richard, the target subject in sample A. However, the two, independently, give the same answer/Likert value (1-5) to 30% of the questionnaire items. It ...
Guest's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why do we use $R^2$ instead of $R$ in linear regression?

$R^2$ equals the "amount of variance explained by the model". However, we rarely use variance in descriptive statistics. We say a sample's weight is 78 ± 13 kg, which is $\bar x$ ± $\sigma$ (...
J. Park's user avatar
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Proving non-correlation with very disperse distributions

I'm fairly new to statistics and came up with a problem. I have a sample with a variation coefficient CV = 0.517 for variable x, and I want to prove this variable is not correlated with a second ...
lafinur's user avatar
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When using Linear Models with random covariates, is it the pearson correlation that determines the reduction of the residual variance?

Typically, if you have normally distributed dependent variable Y with variance $\sigma_Y^2$ a treatment indicator and a random covariate that is also normally distributed, then when fitting a linear ...
RGG's user avatar
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If two predictors are uncorrelated, is the variance explained by multiple regression the sum of variance explained by both linear regressions?

Pretty much what it says in the title. I don't know too much about statistics and I worry I'm getting this wrong. There are variables $X$ and $Y$, they are uncorrelated by design, because one has ...
BlindKungFuMaster's user avatar
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Can I determine what the correlation matrix is if I have regression coefficients and standard errors?

I am trying to reverse engineer a manuscript and was wondering if I can get a correlation matrix or the covariance-variance matrix from values reported in a paper. Can I use the reported regression ...
JWH2006's user avatar
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1 answer

How to interpret these R regression coefficient results? [closed]

I'm really super new to R and am doing the most basic stuff for a beginner's statistics class. I've been staring at this question for a while and can't work out what I'm meant to do. Here's the ...
mizukita's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Adjusted R-Squared in terms of variance

Say that I am performing a multiple linear regression with 3 variables. If I want to say that two of these variables account for some percentage of the observed variance in the third variable, should ...
Matthew Brown's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

correlation coefficient in linear regression

My interest is to develop a relation of the correlation coefficient when the data (both the dependent and independent variables) have measurement errors. Intro The measured values are related to the ...
aloha's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Coefficient of Determination ($r^2$): I have never fully grasped the interpretation

I want to fully grasp the notion of $r^2$ describing the amount of variation between variables. Every web explanation is a bit mechanical and obtuse. I want to "get" the concept, not just mechanically ...
JackOfAll's user avatar
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