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1 answer

Variance of number of unique elements drawn with replacement

This question is similar to the one asking for the expected number of unique elements drawn from a uniform distribution but with the difference I am interested in calculating (or at least ...
Enrico Trombetta's user avatar
5 votes
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How is this formula for variance derived?

There's a formula for the variance of the traffic flow between A and B, calculated from sample data, quoted in the UK's Traffic Appraisal Manual. No proof is given and part of me really wants to know ...
Adam's user avatar
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Binomial Distributions Problem

A casino customer bets on red at roulette (probability of success is 9/19). If the result is red, the client is given 3 dollars; but if she loses, she pays 3 dollars. The client plays until she has ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

How to measure good or bad luck in roulette

I want to analyze and represent the performance of a bet (X numbers out of 37 total roulette numbers) for a series of spins (N spins). For example, let's say that I choose 5 numbers (my bet) and these ...
IXN's user avatar
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2 votes
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Difference between Variance $\sigma^2$ and variance in binomial distribution

I am reviewing some basic statistic concepts. Now I am not sure what 's the difference between variance $$\sigma^2=\frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}(x_i-\mu)^2.$$ and binomial distribution $$\mathrm {Var}(X)=np(...
almo's user avatar
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Buffon's Needle problem

So I'm working through some computational stats stuff from a free pdf of a book. Specifically I'm looking at their take on the classic Buffon's needle problem. The question has a theoretical part and ...
Michael's user avatar
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0 votes
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Obtaining Negative Variance. What is the error?

Suppose a dice is thrown $8$ times and success is considered as obtaining either a $5$ or $6$. What is the variance of the number of successes? Attempt: Let the indicator variable $X_i$ be $1$ when ...
MathMan's user avatar
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2 answers

Finding the maximum and minimum variance of the sum of two Bernoulli events?

You are guessing the contents of two envelopes. Let $U_i$ be the event that you guess correctly. Your probability of guessing correctly for each envelope is $P(U_1) = P(U_2) = 3/4$. $U_1$ and $U_2$ ...
self_guided_arch's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Binomial distribution intituition for N

I am unable to convince myself intuitively as to why the variance of a binomial distribution increases with increase in n (number of trials). In general, I expect that as n increases, the distribution ...
kbg's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Variance in estimating p for a binomial distribution

How can I calculate the variance of $p$ as derived from a binomial distribution? Let's say I flip $n$ coins and get $k$ heads. I can estimate $p$ as $k/n$, but how can I calculate the variance in that ...
Jautis's user avatar
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Calculating the error or variance in $p$ when fitting a binomial distribution to data

I have data fitting a binomial distribution with $n$ total observations and m positive observations. My estimate of $p$ is $\frac{m}{n}$, but is there a way I can estimate the error or variance in $p$?...
Jautis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Analytical expression for variance as a function of the mean value

I have a research problem that seems analogous to a 'draw balls from a bin' problem. Imagine an experiment where $N$ balls are drawn from an infinite bin containing '0' balls and '1' balls, where $N$ ...
user86993's user avatar
4 votes
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Finding the uncertainty in a Binomial probability estimate

In order to make some predictions for my work I have modeled a process using a binomial distribution, but in my case every single experiment must be a success and I am just changing the probability ...
mjnichol's user avatar
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Estimating variability of unseen factor

I'm looking at binomial data where I believe that the probability of the outcome is the product of two independent factors. If you think of it as a two step decision, At the first step, there is a ...
JoFrhwld's user avatar
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