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Declustering spatial data and kriging

I am doing a simple project on a mining dataset and came across some problems: Should I use the declustered values to model the variogram? Do I apply ordinary kriging to the original or to the ...
Gustavo Scholze's user avatar
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What am I not understanding about semivariogram and Normal Score Transformation?

I have generated this two dimensional random field: This is done following this page. In particular, I have selected t=23 as dataframe and I have changed some parameters. As you can noticed, I have ...
diedro's user avatar
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Generate a syntetic log-normal two dimensional random field

I would like to test some functions that I wrote related to the kriging applied to rain data. In order to do that, I would like to generate a synthetic log-normal 2D random field. The idea is to ...
diedro's user avatar
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Interpreting a Distance & Time 3D Variogram for Variogram modeling

I am trying to understand some concepts of variograms. I have made several variogram models in R and am trying to understand exactly what they mean. My data is ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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Variogram fit in R not converging

I have taken a shapefile from Open NYC Data and performed the following method. My end goal is to predict Taxi trip_duration at various points across the city of ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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Why do you need a variogram for Kriging? goldingn/gpe package?

I am using golingn/gpe (github) package, and it does not provide a variogram and instead look at co-variances. Is it possible to do kriging without providing variograms?
XiygX's user avatar
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Cokriging, zero distance semivariance [gstat]

Trying cokriging with simulated data, I faced a problem that did not seem one in the demo(cokriging) with the meuse dataset: I can't use ...
Yollanda Beetroot's user avatar
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What is the nugget effect?

I don't understand exactly what is meant by the term "nugget effect" in geostatistics. When looking at empirical variograms plotting the variogram $\gamma(h)$ vs. the lag $h$, the nugget is defined as ...
MachineEpsilon's user avatar
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How do you interpret this variogram?

Description: 8000 spatial data points spanned over an entire state 200 bins are used My question: Is the variogram telling something about the nature of the data? Why is it fluctuating? Should I do ...
Ali Jamali's user avatar
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Spherical vs. Exponential Kriging Covariance Functions

A statistical epidemiologist colleague of mine told me that in comparing spherical vs exponential kriging covariance functions, only the latter (i.e., exponential) function is generally a valid model. ...
compbiostats's user avatar
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Explain Like I'm Five version for Variograms in R's gstat package

Long story short, I asked a question on StackOverflow about Variograms in the gstat package in R. The person who answered gave me some tips on creating the variogram using the package. My dataset is ...
ace_01S's user avatar
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Why is positive definiteness necessary for kriging?

I understand from wikipedia that a variogram model must be positive definite to be used for kriging: Note that the experimental variogram is an empirical ...
makansij's user avatar
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Is there a way to find optimal sensor node locations in a domain when all data is known?

I have an x-y domain where I know the snow depth everywhere. (i.e. the granularity of the values is such that I can assume I know it everywhere). I want to use this information to inform where to ...
makansij's user avatar
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Kriging: fit.method and dX argument in variogram

I would like to krige residuals (from multiple linear regression) of yearly precipitation totals from a 50 years time series. Every year has been regressed individually. The residuals will be added to ...
noe's user avatar
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Gstat: Modelled semivariogram values not matching plotted model using the variogramLine function

I am trying to extract the semivariance values associated with a given semivariogram model developed in gstat, the end goal being to compare modelled semivariance with observed semivariance at defined ...
ChrisWills's user avatar
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Simple Kriging with linear semivariogram

While studying how to develop a simple kriging model with a linear semivariogram, the various tutorials point towards creating a covariogram using $\sigma(h) = \sigma(0) - \gamma(h)$, but the value of ...
Vishal Anand's user avatar
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Universal kriging: which variogram to use?

I am working with the build in dataset meuse, which has 155 measurements of Zinc and the distance to the river "Meuse".( Now I am trying to imitate ...
Kasper's user avatar
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Kriging results are too localized, how can I increase the influence of each data point

I have a small dataset that looks like this... ...
c0ba1t's user avatar
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R Error in chol.default(A) krigeST from gstat package

I am working with an hourly dataset of air temperature, recorded at ~200 stations over a relatively small area. I chose a space-time variogram (e.g. sum-metric) to fit my data and am now trying to ...
Francesco Tonini's user avatar
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Details on kriging and variograms

I was wondering what are the steps to perform factoring kriging. I know it is used to extract specific components that may have a physical meaning and this is achieved by kriging. However, I have some ...
r_31415's user avatar
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Deriving the ordinary kriging equations with noisy data

I am trying to derive the ordinary kriging equations when I want to estimate the underlying value at $T(x_0)$ from the noisy observations at its neighbors $Z(x_1),....Z(x_n)$. $Z(x_0) = T(x_0) + \...
user34790's user avatar
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Confusion related to ordinary kriging

I was reading this wiki article related to ordinary kriging where they calculated the weights like this I know that covariance from the covariogram and semivariance from the semivariogram are ...
user34790's user avatar
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