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Understanding Volatility Clustering: Conditional or Unconditional Variance?

A stylized fact observed in financial time series is volatility clustering. Volatility clustering is commonly described as the fact that large changes in asset prices are followed by large changes, ...
Monolite's user avatar
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Prediction intervals in the case of changing variance

I derive a point estimate given value $x_0$ using an estimated linear regression as follows: $$\hat{y_0} = x_0^T\hat{\beta}.$$ I know that a prediction interval for a given value $x_0$: $$\hat{y}_0\pm ...
shenflow's user avatar
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The Nonlinear Asymmetric GARCH Model

I'm reading about the Nonlinear Asymmetric GARCH (NAGARCH) model. If NAGARCH(1, 1) is given by: $${\displaystyle ~\sigma _{t}^{2}=~\omega +~\alpha (~\epsilon _{t-1}-~\theta ~\sigma _{t-1})^{2}+~\beta ~...
Blg Khalil's user avatar
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Algorithm for dynamic linear regression with stochastic volatility?

Is there any paper or textbook on how to estimate dynamic linear regression model with stochastic volatility? The observation equation and state equation, $$Y_t = \beta_t'X_t + \epsilon_{t}$$ $$\...
H.Yuanchen's user avatar
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Remaining heteroskedasticity even after GARCH estimation

This is according to the Ljung-Box $Q$ statistic of residuals squared and ARCH-LM test. Both suggest there are ARCH effects remaining after lag 1 even after I have estimated my GARCH (1,1) model. I ...
Albe's user avatar
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DCC GARCH - specifying ARCH and GARCH parameter matrices in Stata

The command in Stata to estimate the DCC model of two variables is: mgarch dcc ( x1 x2=, noconstant) , arch(1) garch(1) distribution(t) $$ \begin{bmatrix} h_{...
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