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Questions tagged [word-embeddings]

Word embedding is the collective name for a set of language modeling and feature learning techniques in NLP where words are mapped to vectors of real numbers in a low dimensional space, relative to the vocabulary size.

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Possible to use TSDAE for word discovery?

I am trying to identify novel words similar to one that I have encoded. From what I have been reading online, the majority of systems which look for word similarity have a predefined list of words and ...
linkey apiacess's user avatar
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Words’ similarity formula based on the context words

I am working on my word embedding calculation algorithm and stuck with a similarity formula. I assume that this could be easily derived formally with statistics and probabilities, but I fail to do so. ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
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Word embeddings with a constrained loss variational autoencoder

I got an idea while refreshing some knowledge about CBOW and Skip-Gram. I thought to post here to receive some criticism and perhaps learn something new. The idea was to use a basic Variational ...
Edv Beq's user avatar
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What's the minimum number of points worth clustering? [closed]

I'm using HDBSCAN to cluster vector embeddings of sentences. The embeddings are being drawn from an online SQL table that's constantly being updated. At peak times, this means 1,000 embeddings an hour,...
Connor's user avatar
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How does two tower model map to shared embedding space for two different type of entity?

A canonical example is say you have user and merchandise user (feature: age, location....) merchandise (feature: type, size, .....) And you want to create embedding to map user and merchandise to same ...
ktt's user avatar
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Measuring Similarity in Embedding Spaces? [closed]

For context, I've been using feature hashing for a rapid text classifier with a very small number of features (2000, it is very small on purpose). I noticed that some of the results were a bit wonky ...
Felix Labelle's user avatar
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Normalizing the embedding space of an encoder language model with respect to categorical data

Suppose we have a tree/hierarchy of categories (e.g. categories of products in an e-commerce website), each node being assigned a title. Assume that the title of each node is semantically accurate, ...
mtcicero's user avatar
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Why learn an embedding before self attention when training transformers?

I understand that self-attention layers learn the "role" of a word in a sentence while embedding layers learn the relationship between the words. But I am not totally convinced that a self-...
Nicolas Johnson's user avatar
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What advantage do sinusoidal positional encodings have over binary positional encodings in transformer LLMs?

I've recently come across an article that discusses the reasons why large language models use sinusoidal functions to generate positional encodings — as per the famous paper Attention Is All You Need (...
Philip Voinea's user avatar
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Appropriateness of the Universal Sentence Encoder model

I have a classification problem where the goal is to predict, based on a small paragraph, if an individual is British or not. The model used for the classification is Universal Sentence Encoder (to ...
Sara Mun's user avatar
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Locality sensitive hashing (LSH) with word embeddings and cosine similarity

I would like to ask about the methodology of LSH algorithm with Word Embeddings and Cosine Similarity to identify similar documents. First, I tokenize my sentences to create a list of tokens. Then, I ...
BDEngineer's user avatar
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Is it necessary to use attention mask for mean pooling for BERT?

I am working on a project involving the analysis of clinical texts using the "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" model from Hugging Face's transformers library. My goal is to extract ...
mutli-arm-bandit's user avatar
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Team vectors similar to word vectors for a corpus of text

Is there any way I could iteratively create a set of vectors, similar to vectors when embedding words through word2vec, that could represent vectors between teams, and also capture information about a ...
troy3.14's user avatar
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What embeddings are used in decoder-only models like GPT?

Decoder-only models do not use an encoder. Hence, they do not get the embedding from it. I went through this nice description of a decoder-only transformer -based model I do understand the training ...
tintin98's user avatar
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How was the word2vec model trained?

Let's take the CBOW (continuous bag of words) model as the example. Suppose that, there are $c$ context words, each of which is a one-hot encoding vector. So the total number of elements of input ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Are embedding in GPT models trainable model parameters? [closed]

I have tried to search from a few sources, but I did not see any one of them specifically talking about this issue. For example This blog post seems to imply that the embedding used in transformer is ...
Sam's user avatar
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Considering weights right of the embeddings layer aren't used in Doc2Vec/Word2Vec, is the informative capacity of the embeddings not strongly reduced?

In an extreme (and probably impossible) example, could you not end up with all the power for the prediction being contained in the weights to the right of the embeddings layer?...and thus the matrix ...
osckt's user avatar
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How are vector values assigned initially in Word2Vec and how are they changed with iterations of the algorithm?

I am new to NLP and I'm not fully grasping how word2vec works. I understand that it aims to predict a word given its context or a context given a word but I'm not sure how the initial vector values ...
osckt's user avatar
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Using Word Embeddings in Clustering and Topic Modelling

I am new to the field of NLP and would appreciate any guidance please. I am trying to understand how word embeddings can be used in clustering and topic modelling. If I create word embeddings for ...
osckt's user avatar
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How is OpenAI embedding obtained

There is OpenAI embedding API How is this embedding related to the GPT3.5 transformer model architecture? Is it the vectors learned from the input ...
Salty Gold Fish's user avatar
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Word embedding and Euclidean distance

Does a transformation exist that allows to use of the Euclidean distance with the word embeddings? The Cosine distance could be a problem in my case. For example, what if I translate the vector to a ...
ozw1z5rd's user avatar
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How does training word embeddings bring similar words closer together?

How does training of word embeddings lead to the clustering of similar words in the embedding space? What causes that effect?
Glue's user avatar
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Is concatenating a single integer sufficient for encoding positional embeddings in transformer models?

In transformer models, positional embeddings are commonly used to encode the positional information of words in a sequence. While sinusoidal positional embeddings are often employed, I'm curious about ...
Glue's user avatar
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Using embeddings to anonymize information

This might be a stupid question, so bear with me. I was wondering if embeddings can be used to anonymize input text. I couldn't find any information online that says that embeddings can be 1:1 decoded ...
funerr's user avatar
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How does softmax work for vectors?

In skipgram we predict the context words. That is the output layer before applying the softmax function is a number $V$ of words, where $V$ is the dictionary size. But each word is represented as a ...
Ruediger's user avatar
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Composed cosine similarity

I have the following problem. I have 3 vectors $u,v,w$ of n dimensions. I'm able to find cosine similarities between $u$ and $v$, and between $v$ and $w$: $cosine(u,v)$ and $cosine(v,w)$. Can i use ...
Chg's user avatar
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How to compare the semantic similarity of text generated by large language models (GPT-3, BLOOM etc) to reference text?

Large language models, such as GPT-3, BLOOM etc, can generate open-ended text. Say I want to prompt these models to answer a question. How can I compare the semantic similarity of the answer it ...
curious-bert's user avatar
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High loss while training word embedding

I'm trying to train (Skip-Gram) word embeddings on a dataset derived from a small piece of data (500 lines ~2500 words ~840 unique words). I'm think I'm aware that this is too small of a dataset to ...
linkedin's user avatar
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Self-supervised Target Definition in the Original Neural Language Model by Bengio et al (2003)

I understand how later neural language models (such as those used in the Word2Vec papers) framed the language modelling problem in a self-supervised way by learning to predict the next word (or any ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Is there an analogous calculation for weighted max and min, similar to weighted average, for text embeddings?

Say I have created some numerical embedding for each word in a text corpora -- that is, for each word I have some n-dimensional vector representing the word. Now say I would like to perform some ...
Josh's user avatar
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Do BERT word embeddings change after training, depending on context?

Before answering "yes, of course", let me clarify what I mean: After BERT has been trained, and I want to use the pretrained embeddings for some other NLP task, can I once-off extract all ...
Daniel von Eschwege's user avatar
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Equivalence between one-dimensional embedding and one-hot encoding?

This may not sound like a practical question, but I am trying to create essentially a toy problem that can help me understand and apply some explainability algorithms (eg Integrated Gradients). To do ...
thecity2's user avatar
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Training Transformers: self attention weights vs embedding layer

I have been trying to wrap my head around transformers. While I have found many good resources that explain the self attention mechanism I've yet to find a good answer on how it really works with ...
Sami Wood's user avatar
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Approaches for semi-supervised fine-tuning after self-supervised pre-training

My understanding is that self-supervised learning approaches approximately work like the following (I have Wav2Vec 2 in my mind here, used in speech recognition, but NLP transformer models are similar)...
phipsgabler's user avatar
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How to encode an url into into a 60-bit 01 string? (word2vec) [closed]

At the same time, we counted the frequency of occurrences of characters in all URLs in the dataset and selected the first 59 characters with the highest frequency as valid characters. It contains 26 ...
DigitalGreyHat's user avatar
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Alternatives to the Silhouette score in cluster analysis?

The silhouette score in my case gives quite misleading results, any alternatives? My data is a result of embedding words, which belong to one of the 20+ classes. I want to measure the "...
oliver.c's user avatar
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Why should the weight matrix encode word embeddings in CBOW/skip-gram?

Sorry for the beginner level question, but I am fairly new to the NLP world and am trying to better understand how word2vec is able to create useful word embeddings. I'm looking for an intuitive ...
Michael Ray's user avatar
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What exactly is meant by isotropic and anisotropic with word vectors

From this paper "How Contextual are Contextualized Word Representations? Comparing the Geometry of BERT, ELMo, and GPT-2 Embeddings" When they say word ...
jacqui_suis's user avatar
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Skip gram model and negative log loss likelihood

I recently just started learning about NLP and word representation. I have been trying to implement the negative log loss likelihood function but am having some trouble with it and would like to ask ...
MrMercury's user avatar
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Intuitive explanation for summing the embedding and positional encoding in the Transformer's embedding

In the Transformer model, the embedding and positional encoding are summed together to represent a word in each location ('positional embedding' from now on). This way, each cell contains semantic and ...
Emil's user avatar
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Why do we call word embeddings "vectors" ? Shouldn't we call them word coordinates?

Word embeddings are often referred to as vectors. For instance, "Word embedding models are dense vector representations of words learned from a corpus of natural language" (Rosado, 2020). ...
GuillaumeL's user avatar
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Algorithm to find closest document containing a set of strings, or variations of them

I have one dataset (A) containing several fields (strings) per sample. One of these fields is a name, and the others are all alphanumeric identifiers. I have another dataset (B) which contains highly ...
KOB's user avatar
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Ways to detect noise in multi-class classification training data using text embeddings (BERT)

So I have a dataset with a column of text and and labels (5 different labels) associated with it. The labels describe the potential answer to the type of question being asked in the text column. For ...
user11715878's user avatar
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Cosine Similarity of the word embeddings after UMAP dimensionality reduction

I want to calculate similarities of the word embeddings. As a basis I took SpaCy german corpus: nlp = spacy.load("de_core_news_lg"). I have approximately ...
Daniil Yefimov's user avatar
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Why does latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) fail when dealing with large and heavy-tailed vocabularies?

I'm reading the 2019 paper Topic Modeling in Embedding Spaces which claims that the embedded topic model improves on these limitations of LDA. But why does LDA have these limitations—why does it fail ...
seanmachinelearning's user avatar
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Interconnections between embeddings layer and LSTM layer

I'm trying to build a text classifier with keras using word embeddings (glove) and a RNN (in this case a LSTM) using keras. I searched in several sites and decided to start with this configuration: <...
juanpablot's user avatar
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Text similarity for badly written text

Consider the following scenario: Suppose two lists of words $L_{1}$ and $L_{2}$ are given. $L_{1}$ contains just bad-written phrases (like 'age' instead of '4ge' or 'blwe' instead of 'blue' etc.). On ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Should I use cosine or dot similarity inside word2vec's neural network?

I've implemented the word2vec algorithm according to its negative sampling architecture,using a shallow neural network that performs binary classification on word-embedding vector pairs. The network ...
oliver.c's user avatar
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How is an embedding space optimized with respect to the loss function?

I understand that the point of the embedding layer is to reduce the dimensionality of the input space while also projecting it onto a space that represents the similarity between the medium in ...
mesllo's user avatar
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Feedforward Neural Net Language Model - computational complexity (word2vec)

While reading this paper on word2vec, I came around the following description of a feedforward Neural Net Language model (NNLM): It consists of input, projection, hidden and output layers. At the ...
MDescamps's user avatar

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