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What statistical analysis to use?

What statistical analysis should I use if I have 2 groups of subjects (high and low comprehenders) which are divided into 3 subgroups according to text genre (poetry, short story, drama) and subjected ...
April Linslae's user avatar
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Illustrating power-law properties with Chinese Restaurant Process (PYP)

I often read that Pitman-Yor Process has power-law properties. Let's say I am interested in modelling English word's distribution (which follows power-law). Using CRP metaphor, words come and get ...
user3639557's user avatar
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About stepwise regression and correlation

I am trying to fit a model to some observed data with the least squares method. Now, I am at the stage where I have run a stepwise regression (traditional), with Entry level $=0.025$ and Stay level $=...
Danny's user avatar
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Uniform random variable as sum of two random variables

Taken from Grimmet and Stirzaker: Show that it cannot be the case that $U=X+Y$ where $U$ is uniformly distributed on $[0,1]$ and $X$ and $Y$ are independent and identically distributed. You should not ...
Saket Choudhary's user avatar
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lowess: R (& python-statsmodels) vs MATLAB (& biopython)

There seems to be two different interpretations of what LOWESS really means: one from R (also used by python-statsmodels), and one from MATLAB (also used by biopython), see comparison below. Could ...
antony's user avatar
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estimating the population standard deviation from the sample standard deviation

Is there a way to estimating the population standard deviation, $\sigma$, from the sample standard deviation, $s$, if the size of the finite population is $N$ and the size of the sample is $n$? Is ...
Jorge's user avatar
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15 votes
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Output of Scikit SVM in multiclass classification always gives same label

I am currently using Scikit learn with the following code: ...
Tamaki Sakura's user avatar
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Compute effect size based on simulation using different lists of different length

For my research purpose I wrote a small simulation to compute an empirial p-value based on an input gene list and a reference gene list. The idea is to check for each gene in the input gene list, the ...
Nicolas Rosewick's user avatar
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After Clustering, how can I evaluate which features had the biggest impact?

I've just performed unsupervised clustering (using DBSCAN) on a dataset for which I have no expert knowledge on. I'm interested in working out which features had the greatest impact on my clustering. ...
oliw's user avatar
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Unrealistically high significance when marginalizing over large number of parameters

The setup I've tried to reduce the problem to a self-contained subset for this question, but it still ended up being pretty long. Sorry about that! I have a set of observations of a set of objects ...
amaurea's user avatar
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Selecting variables using SAS and R - all effects are significant even when shuffling the data

Dear all: I need to test which effects I should include in my model for genetic evaluation of cows. I was using the following code in R: ...
PaulaF's user avatar
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Full effects from Poisson GLM

I am running a Poisson GLM with count data as response variable and both continuous and categorical variables as predictors. I made use of the following (dispersion is OK): ...
Mensah's user avatar
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identify nature of missingness for categorical variables

could you please give me some hints for identifying the nature of missingness for categorical variables' missing value? I mean, I gave a fast search on google scholar but I didn't find anything ...
stat's user avatar
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repeated measures ranking data

I have a repeated measures design where 180 participants rank their preferences for 12 items at time1, and then undergo an intervention, and then they rank their preferences for the same 12 items ...
bcharles's user avatar
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Sampling from a multivariate distribution

Given $X = [X_1 X_2 \ldots X_n]^{\top}$ is a vector of independent bernoulli random variables and $A \in \{0, 1\}^{m \times n}$ is an arbitrary boolean matrix. Define a random variable $Y$ as $$Y = AX$...
TenaliRaman's user avatar
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How do I find corresponding clusters in independent samples?

Lets suppose you believe that observations in your data come from K natural but not directly observable categories and you wish to identify these categories with minimal prior assumptions, so you find ...
f1r3br4nd's user avatar
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Study Length Over-Estimating Hazard Ratio?

Are cox model studies over too long a time-scale at risk of over estimating (or under estimating) a covariate's effect on hazard? I'm studying inbreeding in a captive animal population. Some ...
SayonaraSam's user avatar
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Does the Mann-Whitney U-test require the groups to have the same distribution?

If one of my data sets is normally distributed and the other is not, can I do a Mann-Whitney U-test on them, or would they both have to be non-normal?
Zoe Campbell's user avatar
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estimating the upper bound on a uniform distribution from max order statistic

I have a question. Suppose that $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are iid $U(0,\lambda)$ and let $X(n)$ denote the nth order statistic. Suppose $\lambda$ is unknown and should be estimated from the sample. Take $...
Joel Sinofsky's user avatar
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Machine learning algorithm to predict next user's destination

I'm searching for a way to formulate my problem as a machine learning problem. Suppose I have a history of user's locations, and I want to predict his next location, similar to how Google Now does it ...
dragoon's user avatar
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Fitting a mixture model to spatially correlated data

When the data are spatially correlated, is the usual GMM likelihood function overweighted? The data. Scattering experiment, sensor is like a CCD. Can't see individual events, only density estimate ...
cgreen's user avatar
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Why does a goodness of fit test use the chi square distribution rather than the hypothesised distribution? [duplicate]

This is a homework(-like) question. I know the answer but don't understand it. If we were to answer the question "Are 5 different groups of mammals equally common?", what test would you perform? ...
Sulawesi's user avatar
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Mean of an interval censored random variable

It is likely that I am incorrect terminology here, but I am trying to compute a "mean" of an interval censored random variable. Here is an example where: 1. a random sample from the standard normal ...
tchakravarty's user avatar
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What is the limiting distribution of the sample mean?

My question is relatively simple: what is the limiting distribution of the sample mean? But there are some technicalities I want to discuss. context: I was asked this problem in an exam, and I feel ...
user3821273's user avatar
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Reproduce Cross Correlation results in Python

I'm trying and failing to reproduce the results found in this paper, where the cross correlation between two distributions is calculated: ...
Fernando's user avatar
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What is the difference between R hat and psrf?

In convergence diagnosis in WinBUGS/JAGS/Stan, there are different statistics reported for each variable. In WinBUGS/Stan, Rhat ($\hat{R}$) is reported. In JAGS with the ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Why do two identical feature vectors (distance score 0) get different labels in DBSCAN?

I have two identical feature vectors. They have a distance score of 0. I perform DBSCAN Clustering (using sci-kit) and they get different labels. Is this expected behaviour?
oliw's user avatar
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Backward feature selection with CV model selection

I am thinking about doing the following to a data set with $N$ samples and $m$ features 1) Train using semi-supervised learning and cross validate on labeled data using LOO-CV to select the best ...
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High leverage Points In Logistic Regression in R [closed]

Do You Know Any Good R Package For This Model?
Zackiy's user avatar
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Survival analysis with competing risks

I am analysing the effect of an intervention to reduce length of hospital stay (LOHS) after surgery. The main outcome is LOHS and the intervention is the main exposure. Death while in hospital is an ...
ChrisP's user avatar
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Using quadratic programming to fit a piecewise linear model plus seasonality

I am reading this paper on fitting an L1TF model to data using quadratic programming. Section 7.4 states how one could add seasonality to the model however it doesn't go very far into it. I am trying ...
Dave31415's user avatar
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The best way for clustering an adjacency matrix

I've had a hard time interpreting resulting clusters of an adjacency matrix. I have 200 relatively big matrices representing subjects that contains partial correlations (z scores) of time series (...
Fahd's user avatar
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Comparison of predictive models

I am trying to compare the predictive ability of various models in predicting survival in patients. I would like to examine the predictive performance of each model using 4 tests: squared Pearson ...
user60247's user avatar
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t test with log transformation

One of my variables to be compared in a t-test is normally distributed, while the other is non-normally distributed. What test should I use? I thought I should do a reflect log10 transformation on the ...
Zoe Campbell's user avatar
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Item Information Distorting Scale

I'm refining a psychometric questionnaire and working to estimate (2PL) IRT parameters for the items in order to score the items. It's a small scale consisting of 5 questions. The MAP and VSS-1 ...
Sue Doh Nimh's user avatar
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Explain: Latent Variable (e.g for Latent Dirichlet Allocation)

I am trying to understand the Latent Dirichlet Allocation but therefore I need the basic understanding about what exactly a latent variable is in that sense. I know that the basic idea of a latent ...
Stefan Falk's user avatar
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Meta-analyses for variance rather than means

What are the main complications / differences when conducting a meta-analyses where the metric of focus is not effect size (i.e., means) per se, but instead estimates of variances from models? Nods ...
user1320502's user avatar
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Is There A Machine Learning Algorithm For Textual Data With Thousands Of Classifiers?

I've been asked to migrate this from StackOverflow to CrossValidated. I have a problem that I think Machine Learning can solve but am having a very hard time determining which ML Algorithm to use and ...
bendud's user avatar
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Regression Analysis with String values in column of DataFrame [duplicate]

I have a dataset which is having multiple columns where some column has string values with comma seperated ...
Abhishek Choudhary's user avatar
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Can Chebyshev inequality be used to bound the error of the sample mean?

Can the probability of error of the sample mean, i.e., $\Pr(|\bar{X}-E[X]| \geq \epsilon)$, be bounded using Chebyshev inequality (or something similar)? $X$ is a discrete random variable with an ...
sasan's user avatar
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As a rule of thumb, difference in amount of administered items: classically scored vs adaptive (irt-based) tests?

I am thinking of developing a new adaptive test. One of the main goals is to shorten existing, classically scored tests. Is there a rule of thumb about how many items are needed to administered ...
rdatasculptor's user avatar
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How many features can we use to avoid overfitting the classification?

We have a classification problem: classify type A tumour from type B tumour. In total we have 50 patient cases (25 A and 25 B cases). We use texture or shape analysis to generate features we can ...
Samo Jerom's user avatar
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Compare differences in dependent frequencies

I would like to compare two error rates (proportion of incorrect answers in questions with dichotomous response-format) for two different items, and I am looking for some advice on how to do that. ...
grey's user avatar
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Normalize variables for calculation of correlation coefficient

I have two vectors (arrays) of values. One vector represents a variable whose values are between 0 and 1 (ratio-type variable). The other vector represents a variable whose values are continuous float ...
Abbas's user avatar
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Linear mixed effects models: what to do when the residual QQ-plot looks non-normal?

I have four linear mixed effect models of similar structure: ...
Alison Fairbrass's user avatar
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The linearity of perceptrons

I am having quite a dilemma whether multi-layer perceptrons are linear in nature or not. In this wikipedia article, it is said that: If a multilayer perceptron has a linear activation function in ...
cngkaygusuz's user avatar
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How to name the concept of the mean shift divided by the standard deviation

In the context of a paper dealing with Statistical Quality Control, I am defining and using the concept of the mean shift divided by the standard deviation of a (normally distributed one-dimensional) ...
Vicent's user avatar
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Selecting an appropriate VAR model

I would like to receive critical comments on an idea explained below. Suppose I have variables $x_1$ through $x_K$, and this is a time series setting. My aim is forecasting. I know that all the ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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Likert Scale 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 possible?

In my questionnaire I want to ask people to score on a dimensional Likert-type scale their attitude toward a specific target group. E.g. People with .... are stupid.... intelligent. I want to use ...
Hannah's user avatar
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Frequency significantly different from zero

I've got a few frequencies, and I'm trying to work out if each of the frequencies is significantly different from zero. Most of the frequencies I can eyeball, but I wanted to have some for of ...
SimonsSchus's user avatar

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