Here is the linear mixed model that I am working with: ``` p3 <- lmer(respTime ~ proc*farFC+(1 | Subject), dtINT) ``` Proc refers to a factor with 2 levels (adjacent and overlay) farFC refers to a continous variable with 9 levels The main output is below. [![enter image description here][1]][1] The **slope of overlay is = 0.958**. When I change the reference level from adjacent to overlay, the **slope of adjacent is -0.958.** Here is the code for how I am changing the reference level: ``` dtINT <- within(dtINT, proc <- relevel(proc, ref = 2)) #1 = ref level is overlay, 2 = ref level is adjacent ``` Why are the slopes the same but in opposite directions? Below is a graph, and we can see that the slopes are not the same (lines are not perfectly parallel). [![enter image description here][2]][2] **How do I compute the slopes of each of these lines from the model? Said differently, how do I compute the slopes for each level of my IV? How do I tell if each of those slopes are significant?** [1]: [2]: