Philosophically, two basic approaches present themselves here. One approach is to seek off-the-shelf models that enable you to 'extract' or 'derive' knowledge from your data. I would identify that approach with [inductivism](, which the Karl Popper famously called "a myth." This is also, however, the dominant epistemology in the (clinical) medical sciences at this time. Its spirit is nowhere more vividly represented than in the field of 'data science', the basic premise of which (it seems to me) is that data are like underground ore deposits to be 'mined', and that for this we need only to employ the right 'earth-moving equipment' (i.e., *methods*). An alternative spirit is that of 'Strong Inference' described in a famous essay by Platt [1,2]. Here, the focus is on building and testing *theories*. Notwithstanding the strong 'inductivist' leanings of many Bayesians, I think Bayesian *methods* (as distinct from 'Bayesian*ism*') make a very suitable basis for pursuing strong inference. **If you are interested, I would be glad to assist you in pursuing that course.** Presently, your simulation code generates data having the *formal appearance* of the sort of data you might collect, but not their *informational content*. To achieve the latter, you would need to write in some equations (models) of a *data generating process* ([DGP]( describing what might be going on 'beneath the surface' in your data. If you could add such equations, I would propose to show you how to implement your model in [JAGS](, a fully [declarative]( Bayesian modeling tool that has the lovely property of letting you run the very same model both 'forwards' (to simulate) and 'backwards' (to carry out inference from data to model parameters). This approach would – as its first and perhaps most important benefit – enable to check whether various theories you have (as expressed in your models of the DGP) would yield to exploration in different samples size regimes. If your actual sample sizes are of the order of the $N=50$ individuals of your simulation (split across 5 categorical disease sub-types, no less), then I would not hold out great hopes of learning anything new that isn't already 'obvious' to clinicians treating these types of cancer. But this approach would let you demonstrate such an intuition objectively, at least. 1. Platt JR. Strong Inference: Certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others. Science. 1964;146(3642):347-353. [doi:10.1126/science.146.3642.347]( 2. Fudge DS. Fifty years of J. R. Platt’s strong inference. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2014;217(8):1202-1204. [doi:10.1242/jeb.104976](