# Setup

Let $x$ describe a continuous predictor variable (e.g. age). Let $Y$ be a random variable (e.g. height) which is some function of $x$.

The data consists of $n$ points, each a combination of $x$ and $y$ (e.g. $data_i = (age_i, height_i)$).

The distribution of $Y$ may be non-normal, with some level of skewness. Not only the mean of $Y$, but also its variance and skewness may be functions of $x$ (e.g. adults are taller than children on average, but also more diverse in height and with more extremely tall outliers).

# Related approach using GAMLSS

I know that [GAMLSS][1] can be used to describe the distribution of $Y$, whereby each parameter of a chosen distribution is modelled as a function of $x$. These functions can be given as polynomials or as splines, possibly smoothed using some penalisation.

$$Y \sim \mathcal{D}(\mu, \sigma)\\
g_1(\mu) = s_1(x)\\
g_2(\sigma) = s_2(x)$$

# My Question

However, these represent functions of parameters of a chosen distribution. Is it also possible to obtain functions of the moments (e.g. mean, variance, skewness) of the data? **Without assuming a form** for the distribution.

$$mean(Y) = s_3(x)\\
var(Y) = s_4(x)\\
skew(Y) = s_5(x)$$

I guess a *moving average* and likewise, a *moving variance* and *moving skewness*, will give a similar function of $x$. But I would like to make use of *GAMLSS*'s optimisation (e.g. ML, GAIC or GCV) including some penalisation for overfitting. If this exists. If that even makes sense without defining a distribution first.

# Example

As a minimal working example, we will generate data for which we *know* the moments.

First, we adapt `demo.BSplines` from the library `gamlss.demos` to create a function which generates random splines.

    tpower <- function(x, t, p) (x - t)^p * (x > t)
    bbase <- function(x, xl=min(x), xr=max(x), nseg=10, deg=3) {
      dx <- (xr - xl)/nseg
      knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
      P <- outer(x, knots, tpower, deg)
      n <- dim(P)[2]
      D <- diff(diag(n), diff = deg + 1)/(gamma(deg + 1) * dx^deg)
      B <- (-1)^(deg + 1) * P %*% t(D)
    bs.random <- function(nseg=5, bdeg=3, xlim=100) {
      x <- seq(0, xlim)
      B <- bbase(x, nseg = nseg, deg = bdeg)
      a <- runif(ncol(B))
      z <- B %*% a

Let's generate two B-splines. These serve as the input parameters for a [LogNormal][2] distribution. We now sample $y$'s for various $x$'s following this skewed distribution.

    nseg <- 5
    bdeg <- 3
    xlim <- 100
    datan <- 20000
    mu <- bs.random(nseg=nseg, bdeg=bdeg, xlim=xlim)
    sigma <- bs.random(nseg=nseg, bdeg=bdeg, xlim=xlim)
    plot(NULL, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="x", ylab="y", main="Random B-splines")
    lines(mu, col="blue")
    lines(sigma, col="pink")

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

As we know the expression for the mean, variance and skewness for the *LogNormal* distribution as a function of the two parameters, we can directly determine these.

    seq <- seq(0, xlim)
    mean <- sapply(seq, function(x){exp(mu[x]+sigma[x]^2/2)})
    variance <- sapply(seq, function(x){(exp(sigma[x]^2)-1)*exp(2*mu[x]+sigma[x]^2)})
    skewness <- sapply(seq, function(x){(exp(sigma[x]^2)+2)*sqrt(exp(sigma[x]^2)-1)})
    plot(xs, ys, ylim = c(0, 4), xlab="x", ylab="y", main="Random Data with Moments")
    lines(seq, mean, col="red")
    lines(seq, variance, col="orange")
    lines(seq, skewness, col="green")

[![enter image description here][4]][4]

Find a procedure to retrieve these three moments without assuming $Y$ follows a *LogNormal* distribution.

  [1]: https://www.gamlss.com/
  [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/ZRgLd.png
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/G5OaF.png