As @Chaconne mentioned, the problem is squared loss for classification is non-convex and harder to optimize. To add on @Chaconne's math, I would like to present some visualizations on to different objective functions. We will change the demo data from `mtcars`, since the original toy example has $3$ coefficients including the intercept. We will use another toy data set generated from `mlbench`, in this data set, we set $2$ parameters, so it is possible to make better visualization. The data is shown in the left figure: we have two classes. The middle figure and right figure shows the contour for logistic loss (red) and squared loss (blue). [![enter image description here][1]][1] From the contour we can easily see how why optimizing squared loss is harder: as Chaconne mentioned, it is non-convex. Here is one more view from persp3d. [![enter image description here][2]][2] ---------- Code set.seed(0) d=mlbench::mlbench.2dnormals(50,2,r=1) x=d$x y=ifelse(d$classes==1,1,0) lg_loss <- function(w){ p=plogis(x %*% w) L=-y*log(p)-(1-y)*log(1-p) return(sum(L)) } sq_loss <- function(w){ p=plogis(x %*% w) L=sum((y-p)^2) return(L) } w_grid_v=seq(-15,15,0.1) w_grid=expand.grid(w_grid_v,w_grid_v) opt1=optimx::optimx(c(1,1),fn=lg_loss ,method="BFGS") z1=matrix(apply(w_grid,1,lg_loss),ncol=length(w_grid_v)) opt2=optimx::optimx(c(1,1),fn=sq_loss ,method="BFGS") z2=matrix(apply(w_grid,1,sq_loss),ncol=length(w_grid_v)) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(d,xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(-3,3)) abline(0,-opt1$p2/opt1$p1,col='darkred',lwd=2) abline(0,-opt2$p2/opt2$p1,col='blue',lwd=2) grid() contour(w_grid_v,w_grid_v,z1,col='darkred',lwd=2, nlevels = 8) points(opt1$p1,opt1$p2,col='darkred',pch=19) grid() contour(w_grid_v,w_grid_v,z2,col='blue',lwd=2, nlevels = 8) points(opt2$p1,opt2$p2,col='blue',pch=19) grid() # library(rgl) # persp3d(w_grid_v,w_grid_v,z1,col='darkred') [1]: [2]: