Let $\theta > 0$ be some model parameter for which properties (bias, ...) of an estimate are studied via simulations. 

For a given data set, an estimate $\hat{\theta}_i$ of $\theta$ can be obtained by maximising a likelihood function.

As $\theta$ is positive, however, I perform the maximisation over $\eta = \log(\theta) \in \mathbb{R}$ and I set $\hat{\theta} = \exp(\hat{\eta})$.

After running $N$ simulations, how should I compute the mean value,

 - $\bar{\hat{\theta}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \hat{\theta}_i$, or
 - $\bar{\hat{\theta}} = \exp(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \hat{\eta}_i)$?



-- Minus log likelihood for a sample from the Exp distribution with mean $\theta = \exp(\eta)$:  

    minusloglik <- function(eta, sample)
      theta <- exp(eta)
      - sum(dexp(x=sample, rate=theta, log=TRUE))

-- True value of $\theta$:

    theta <- 5.73

-- Simulations:

    thetaHat <- etaHat <- rep(NA, 1000)
    for(i in 1:1000)
      sample <- rexp(n=100, rate=theta)
      etaHat[i] <- nlm(f=minusloglik, p=0, sample=sample)$estimate
      thetaHat[i] <- exp(etaHat[i])


 - Should I summarise the results as `mean(thetaHat)` or as `exp(mean(etaHat))`?
 - Is the answer the same if $\theta$ denotes the variance of a normal distribution?