i have time series as `1.3578511 0.5119648 1.3189847 0.9214787 1.2272616 4.9167998 1.2272616 1.2272616 0.8854192 2.3386331 1.6132899 0.2030302 0.8426226 1.2277843 NA 1.3189847 1.3578511 0.8530141 2.3386331 1.0541099 0.7747481 0.5764672 1.3189847 1.2160533 1.2272616 0.6715839 0.9651803 1.6132899 1.2006974 0.6875047 1.3245534 1.2006974 0.8221709 1.3101684 1.6132899 1.6132899 1.2006974 1.3189847 1.0018480 1.2277843 1.4424190 1.6132899 1.2277843 1.2006974 0.7779642 0.9381081 0.8854192 NA NA 1.3189847 1.1070461 0.8221709 4.9167998 0.9214787 1.3189847 1.3189847 1.2277843 1.4424190 1.6132899 1.6132899 4.9167998 0.8235792 0.9708839 1.1070461 1.2160533 0.8354292 1.4424190 1.1958634 0.5119648 1.4424190 1.4424190 1.6132899 1.6132899 0.6710844 1.2272616 0.9708839 0.8890464 1.4424190 0.8890464 0.8221709 1.1958634 0.8132233 0.4630722 4.9167998 0.8890464 1.3189847 0.7373181 1.1070461 1.2279813 0.8890464 0.3588158 1.4424190 0.8132233 0.4297043 1.3578511 4.9167998 1.2272616 0.8426226 1.4424190 1.6132899 NA ` in which NA are missing values,i want to predict/forecast it,i search on internet,i found that Amelia packages can impute missing values `library(Amelia) t<-read.table("C:\\Users\\exam\\Desktop\\missing_ts.txt") > a.out <- amelia(t) Amelia Error Code: 42 There is only 1 column of data. Cannot impute. > amelia(x=as.matrix(1:101,t$V1)) Amelia Error Code: 39 Your data has no missing values. Make sure the code for missing data is set to the code for R, which is NA. ` is my way of predicting wrong?,if yes,then which method should i follow?