I am trying to run a Cox regression on a sample 5,000,000 row dataset as follows using only R. This is a direct translation of a PHREG in SAS. The sample is representative of the structure of the original dataset.


    ### Replace 100000 by 5,000,000
    test <- data.frame(start=runif(100000,1,100), stop=runif(100000,101,300), censor=round(runif(100000,0,1)), test_cat1=round(runif(100000,1,11)))

    test$test_cat1f <- as.factor(test$test_cat1)
    summ <- coxph(Surv(start,stop,censor) ~ relevel(test_cat1f, 2), test)


    > proc.time() - timer
    user  system elapsed 
    9.400   0.090   9.481 

The main challenge is in the compute time for the original dataset (5m rows). As far as I understand, in SAS this could take up to 1 - 1.5 days, ... but at least it finishes. With R it could go on for a longer time.

- Running the example with only 100,000 observations take only 9 seconds. Thereafter the time increases almost quadratically for every 100,000 increment in the number of observations.

- I have not found any means to parallelize the operation (eg., we can leverage a 48-core machine if this was possible)

- Neither biglm not any package from Revolution Analytics is available for Cox regression, and so I cannot leverage those.

My question is whether there could be any means to represent this in terms of a logistic regression (for which there are packages in Revolution) or if there are any other alternatives to this problem ? I know that they are fundamentally different, but it's the closest I can assume as a possibility given the circumstances.

Thanks in advance.