I've been led to believe (see [here][1] and [here][2]) that Mahalanobis distance is the same as the Euclidean distance on the PCA-rotated data. In other words, taking multivariate normal data $X$, the Mahalanobis distance of all of the $x$'s from any given point (say $\mathbf{0}$) should be the same as the Euclidean distance of the entries of $X^{rot}$ from $\mathbf{0}$, where $X^{rot}$ is the product of the data and the PCA rotation matrix. **1. Is this true?** My code below is suggesting to me that it is not. In particular, it looks like the variance of the Mahalanobis distance around the PCA-Euclidean distance is increasing in the magnitude of the PCA-Euclidean distance. Is this a coding error, or a feature of the universe? Does it have to do with imprecision in an estimate of something? Something that gets squared? N=1000 cr = runif(1,min=-1,max=1) A = matrix(c(1,cr,cr,1),2) e<-mvrnorm(n = N,rep(0,2),A) mx = apply(e, 2, mean) sx = apply(e, 2, sd) e = t(apply(e,1,function(X){(X-mx)/sx})) plot(e[,1],e[,2]) dum<-rep(0,2) md = mahalanobis(e,dum,cov(e)) pc = prcomp(e,center=F,scale=F) d<-as.matrix(dist(rbind(dum,pc$x),method='euclidean',diag=F)) d<-d[1,2:ncol(d)] plot(d,md^.5) abline(0,1) **2. If the answer to the above is true, can one use the PCA-rotated Euclidean distance as a stand-in for the Mahalanobis distance when $p>n$?** If not, is there a similar metric that captures multivariate distance, scaled by correlation, and for which distributional results exist to allow the calculation of the probability of an observation? **EDIT** I've run a few simulations to investigate the equivalence of MD and SED on scaled/rotated data over a gradient of n and p. As I mentioned previously, I'm interested in the probability of an observation. I am hoping to find a good way to get the probability of an observation being part of a multivariate normal distribution, but for which I've got $n<p$ data to estimate the distribution. See the code below. It looks like the PCA-scaled/rotated SED is *slightly* biased estimator of the MD, with a fair amount of variance that seems to stop increasing when $p=N$. f = function(N=1000,n,p){ a = runif(p^2,-1,1) a = matrix(a,p) S = t(a)%*%a x = mvrnorm(N,rep(0,p),S) mx = apply(x, 2, mean) sx = apply(x, 2, sd) x = t(apply(x,1,function(X){(X-mx)/sx})) Ss = solve(cov(x)) x = x[sample(1:N,n,replace=F),] md = mahalanobis(x,rep(0,p),Ss,inverted=T) prMD<-pchisq(md,df = p) pc = prcomp(x,center=F,scale=F) d<-mahalanobis(scale(pc$x),rep(0,ncol(pc$x)),diag(rep(1,ncol(pc$x)))) prPCA<-pchisq(d,df = min(p,n))#N is the number of PCs where N<P return(data.frame(prbias = as.numeric(mean(prMD - prPCA)), prvariance = as.numeric(mean((prMD - prPCA)^2)))) } grid = data.frame(n=100,p=2:200) grid$prvariance <-grid$prbias <-NA for (i in 1:nrow(grid)){ o = f(n=grid[i,]$n,p=grid[i,]$p) grid[i,3:4]<-o } par(mfrow=c(1,2)) with(grid, plot(p,prbias)) abline(v=100) m = lm(prbias~p,data=grid) abline(m,col='red',lty=2) with(grid, plot(p,prvariance)) abline(v=100) Two questions: 1. Any criticism of what I'm finding in these simulations? 2. Can anyone formalize what I'm finding with an analytical expression for the bias and the variance as functions of n and p? I'd accept an answer that does this. [1]: http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/24221/mahalanobis-distance-via-pca-when-np [2]: http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/62092/bottom-to-top-explanation-of-the-mahalanobis-distance