I'm trying to use `lme` from the `nlme` package to replicate results from `aov` for repeated measures ANOVAs. I've done this for a single-factor repeated measures experiment and for a two-factor experiment with one between-subjects factor and one within-subjects factor, but I'm having trouble doing it for a two-factor experiment with two within-subjects factors.

An example is shown below. `A` and `B` are fixed-effect factors and `subject` is a random-effect factor.

    d <- data.frame(
    	Y = rnorm(48),
    	subject = factor(rep(1:12, 4)),
    	A = factor(rep(1:2, each=24)),
    	B = factor(rep(rep(1:2, each=12), 2)))
    summary(aov(Y ~ A*B + Error(subject/(A*B)), data=d))  # Standard repeated measures ANOVA
    # Attempts:
    anova(lme(Y ~ A*B, data=d, random = ~ 1 | subject))  # not same as above
    anova(lme(Y ~ A*B, data=d, random = ~ 1 | subject/(A+B)))  # gives error

I could not see an explanation of this in the Pinheiro and Bates book, but I may have overlooked it.