I'm trying to use 5-fold cv for training set and test set but I can't determine the confusion matrix using table() to calculate the classification rate (true positives and true negatives divided by total number) because the sets have different lengths but I'm probably doing it wrong: (after defining *dataset* using read.table and column names) #turn dataset lines into random order for splitting variavel <- runif(nrow(dataset)) dataset <- dataset[order(variavel),] #create 5 folds and set variable (vector) to save accuracy rates folds <- createFolds(dataset$Class, k=5) str(folds) Accuracy <- 0 ListFoldsTrain <- list() ListFoldsTest <- list() for (i in 1:5){ trainingset<- dataset[-folds[[i]],] ListFoldsTrain[[i]]<- trainingset testset<- dataset[folds[[i]],] ListFoldsTest[[i]] <- testset #run classification tree model tree.1 <- rpart(Region~palmitic+palmitoleic+stearic+oleic+linoleic+eicosanoic+linolenic+eicosenoic, data=trainingset) #Confusion matrix tabletree <- table(trainingset$Region, predict(tree.1, type="class")) #Accuracy for each fold Accuracy[i] = sum(diag(tabletree))/length(trainingset[,1]);Accuracy[i] } #Accuracy for each fold print(Accuracy) But now how can I get the accuracy of the tree model for the test set?