I have two logit models:
- Model A:
model_logit_house <- glm( health_status ~ sex + age + weight + study_level + chronic_ill + laboral_situation +
sport_frec + GHQ_12 + income_level +
n_bedrooms + indust_pollution + delinquency, # study variables
data = model_data, family = binomial(link = "logit"),na.action = "na.omit")
- Model B (a nested model from Model A):
model_logit <- glm( health_status ~ sex + age + weight + study_level + chronic_ill + laboral_situation +
sport_frec + GHQ_12 + income_level +,
data = model_logit_house$model, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
are continuous variables, the rest variables are cualitatives (factor).
I want to analyze if the housing characteristics (study variables) have influence on the health status. All variables are significant in both models. However, I want to do an analysis of variance (ANOVA) between these two models for to be sure that model A is better than model B. So:
And the output is:
Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance
1 16805 15439
2 16802 15420 3 18.644
How do I interpret this table? Can the interpretation of this table tell me if there is an influence between the housing characteristics and the health status? If not. How can I compaire these two models with an ANOVA in R?