I am solving an exercise on multiple linear regression. Near the end I will be asked for the same data as the previous model, it is the maximum likelihood estimates. The previous model: I have the matrix $(X'X)^{-1}$ and the matrix $X'y$ and the model is: $Y_i = B_0 + B_1x_i + B_2x^2_i + e_i$ $i= 1,...,10$ Now I have: $Y_i = g_0 + g_1x^*_i + g_2(x^*_i)^2 + e_i$ $ x^*_i = x_i -10$ $i=1,...,10$ To transform the model can I decrease the Matrix data for 10? For example the first row of the matrix $(X'X)^{-1}$ is: $[4,0,0]$ $4-10;0-10;0-10 ....$ The same thing can I make it also for the matrix $X'y$? Perhaps the question is stupid, but wants to be sure of this solution. Thank you.