I have a data set consisting of interactions between male-female dyads within a group in two conditions. The values range from -1 to 1 and indicate how responsible the female was for maintaining the relationship (Hinde's index). What I want to see is if the female responsibility changes in the two conditions. My understanding is that the Wilcoxon test is inappropriate because I have both paired and repeated measurements: each individual is part of several dyads.  

My other option was to run a permutation test, and I've been searching for one in R (I'm not conversant enough with R to create one myself), but so far the only ones I've found want my data to be integers, which is most definitely not the case.

So I suppose my two questions are  
1) Am I even on the right track here or should I be looking for a different test?  
2) Can anybody suggest a permutation test that can deal with decimal places?
