I want to compute probabilities assuming data have log normal and log skew normal distribution (in R). As I couldn't find any package that directly computes log skew normal (as plnorm does log normal), I am wondering, if I can get log normal with pnorm, for example to compute log normal probability at point 2 with mean=2 and sd=3: plnorm(2,2,3) pnorm(log(2),2,3) can I use psn to compute skew-log-normal probability at point 2 with mean=2, sd=3 and skewness=1: psn(log(2), xi=2, omega=3, alpha=1, tau=0, dp=NULL) or I need some other transformations of the mean/sd/skewness before I apply it? In case I need to transform it first, didnt I need some transformations also in plnorm, instead of just putting mean and sd?