I am looking to fit a Cox proportional hazards survival model. Looking at the K-M curve (below) for one variable (with 2 categories) it appears there is a change in hazard ratios at around day 110. I was thinking of modeling this with a changepoint model. ![KM-Curve][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/xZBjJ.png I'm having trouble implementing it. I have defined days_ind as 1 if days>=110 and 0 otherwise. Then I run the model: coxph(Surv(time=days,event=event2)~x*days_ind) I get several warning messages about convergence and the results don't seem to make any sense. Am I approaching this in the correct way? I thought of bringing in the interaction of factor(x)*days instead but this too does not converge and also leads to strange estimates.