I am performing model selection in R with the anova() function, and my categorical variable was maintained in my final model, but when I did a post hoc analysis with the emmeans() function, it told me the levels did not differ. What does it mean?

I use R software, and I am studying how the body condition of a species of fish varies in 3 kinds of rivers: preserved, slightly urban and very urban. Each category has one replicate, so that means I have 2 preserved rivers, 2 slightly urbanized rivers and 2 very urbanized rivers, which means that "river" is a random factor, and "category of urbanization" is my fixed factor and predictor variable with 3 levels. While performing model selection in R with the anova() function, the categorical variable "category" is maintained:

    `#it is a linear mixed model because condition is normally distributed
    > lmm.1 <- lmer(condition ~ category.of.urbanization + (1|river), data = fish) 
    > lmm.null <- lmer(condition ~ 1 + (1|river), data = fish) 
    > anova(lmm.null, lmm.1)
    refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
    Data: fish
    lmm.null: condition ~ 1 + (1 | river)
    lmm.1: condition ~ category.of.urbanization + (1 | river)
                npar     AIC     BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)   
    lmm.null       3 -214.42 -205.37 110.21  -220.42                        
    lmm.1          5 -219.80 -204.71 114.90  -229.80 9.3806  2   0.009184 **
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1`

My p-value is 0.009184, meaning category of urbanization is an important predictor, and I expected that at least one level of the categorical variable would be different from the others. However, when trying to do a post hoc analysis, I called the emmeans() function, and R says that none of the levels differ, because the p-values are all above 0.05:

    `> emmeans(lmm.1, pairwise ~ category.of.urbanization)
    Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'broom':
    method            from  
    tidy.glht         jtools
    tidy.summary.glht jtools
    category.of.urbanization  emmean     SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
    preserved                -0.1281 0.0441 3.42  -0.2592  0.00304
    slightly urban            0.0316 0.0341 2.20  -0.1030  0.16632
    very urban                0.0425 0.0350 2.43  -0.0852  0.17032

    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 

    contrast                    estimate     SE   df t.ratio p.value
    preserved - slightly urban   -0.1597 0.0558 2.83  -2.863  0.1324
    preserved - very urban       -0.1706 0.0563 2.95  -3.028  0.1123
    slightly urban - very urban  -0.0109 0.0489 2.32  -0.223  0.9733

    Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
    P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates `

Please, what does this mean? How is the predictor variable significant, but with levels that aren't different? I have 151 fish, so my number of data and observations is not very low. I am sorry if I've made spelling mistakes, English is not my native language.