My observation `y` is obtained from the model, $y(n) = \sum_{i=0}^{p-1} r(i) x(n-i) + v(n)$ where `r` is the sparse channel coefficients, `x` is the one dimensional input and `v` is additive White Gaussian noise of zero mean. `y = filter(.)` command is used to model the above equation and thus creating an FIR filter or a moving average (MA) model. The order of the MA model is `p=3`. 

So, $y = [y(1),y(2),....,y(100)]$ is a vector of 100 elements.  I am generating noise of variance `0.1` I want to estimate the sparse channel coefficients using LASSO. As there are `p` channel coefficients, I should get `p` estimates. 
 According to the equation of LASSO, `||rx - y||_2^2 + lambda * ||r||_1` I am estimating the sparse coefficients, `r`. As the true coefficient array contains `p` elements, I should get `p` estimated elements. I am not quite sure if this is the way to do. 

Please find below the code for LASSO using Matlab function.  


    % Code for LASSO estimation technique for 
    %MA system, L = 3 is the order,  
    %Generate input
     x = -5:.1:5;
    r = [1    0.0   0.0];% L elements of the channel coefficients     
    %Data preparation into regressors    
    X1 = [ ones(length(x),1) x' x']; %first column treated as all ones since    x_1=1
    y = filter(r,1,x); % Generate the MA model
    [r_hat_lasso, FitInfo] = lasso(X1, y, 'alpha', 1, 'Lambda', 1, 'Standardize', 1);

The estimates returned are `r_hat_lasso = 0, 0.657002829714982, 0`

**Question :** This differs very much from the actual `r`.
Is my understandin wrong?