There's nothing wrong with your model. This is a combined consequence of very high among-ID variation and [Jensen's inequality]( Looking just at `glmer` results (since the results are similar across platforms), the intercept is 7.323 and the among-group standard deviation is 9.645.

The inverse-logit (logistic) of the mean prediction is not the same as the mean of the inverse-logit of the predictions ...

mean(predict(fit_lme4, type = "response"))
[1] 0.7468441
plogis(mean(predict(fit_lme4, type = "link")))
[1] 0.9840272

There are various ways of handling this issue. `emmeans` in particular has some Delta-method machinery that can be used. However, in this case it's not actually very accurate.

Let's dig in a bit further.

m <- fixef(fit_lme4)
s <- c(sqrt(VarCorr(fit_lme4)$ID))
par(las=1, bty = "l")
cc <- curve(plogis(x), from = m-3*s, to = m+3*s, lwd = 2,
            ylab = "probability/scaled density")
nn <- dnorm(cc$x, m, s)/dnorm(m, m, s)
polygon(c(cc$x, rev(cc$x)), c(nn, rep(0, length(nn))),
        col = adjustcolor("black",alpha = 0.1),
        border = NA)
abline(v=m, lty = 2)
abline(v=0.772501, lty=2, col = 2)  ## see below
abline(v=mean(dd$outcome), lty=2, col = 4)

The figure shows the inverse-link function (logistic or inverse-logit); the estimated distribution of log-odds across IDs; the mean of the random effects distribution on the link/logit scale (black vertical dashed line); the mean of the distribution on the probability scale (red); and the mean of the observed response values (blue). The last two aren't identical (0.73 vs 0.77), but they're indistinguishable at this scale.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Bias correction via delta method according to [emmeans vignette](

emmeans(fit_lme4, ~1, type = "response", bias.adjust = TRUE,
        sigma = s)
##  1        prob     SE  df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
##  overall 0.969 0.0488 Inf     0.362     0.999

This is actually not very good because the range of the random effects is so wide that a quadratic approximation to the inverse-link function is bad ...

A more accurate estimate/correction:

logitnorm::momentsLogitnorm(m, s)
##      mean       var 
## 0.7722507 0.1451088

Doing the same thing by brute force/Monte Carlo:

mean(plogis(rnorm(1e6, m, s)))
## [1] 0.7725701
